SEE: So, uh…food type abilities! They're interesting!
SEE: I can take chunks off my body, like I did for Leti- and I can give them to others!
SEE: And then it heals them! But!
SEE: Healing depends on how big the chunk is, and who removed it.
SEE: If somebody just, takes it without asking, they won't get healed at all.
SEE: It's gotta be given willingly. O-or it won't work.
Rhyker nods along to all this, seeming completely convinced.

RHYKER: Interesting, that's good to know!
RHYKER: Not that uh, not that it would come up at all.
LETI: Mm. Okay.
SEE: S-so, yeah! We ready to do this?

Leti nods, and hits its button. Rhyker follows suit a moment later.

You rush back in, only to hesitate before pressing yours.

Minsky, if you can hear me…I'm really sorry.
I didn't mean to hurt you-
But I really, really need you to come back soon.

No response.

You press the button, your posture slumping.

For now, you're on your own.