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Bastards Incorporated - Printable Version

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Bastards Incorporated - Orange Juice Goose - 05-17-2019

Hi uh I've got enough TCPs that it might be hard to keep track of now.

Thread CW: Gore, Violence

Please refrain from commenting unless given permission.

Please PM me on forum or Discord if you wish to plan any RP/Art/Etc. with my characters. No really please do, I am an RP junkie apparently.

Primary Role-Play Characters

Tary: Doctor/Brass Knuckle Type (Modifiers: Elevated, Permeable)[He/Him]
Firefly: Rocket Type [They/Them]

General Characters

Lucent: Acceptance Type (Conditions: Colossal) [They/Them]
Absent: Facebank Type [She/Her]
Gord: Burn Type* [He/Him]
Quotil: Gore Type* [They/Them]
Roller: Space Type [He/Him]
Lira: Corpse Type [She/Her]
Nightling: Engine Type [She/Her]
Hester: Engine Type [He/Him]
Tape: Survival Type [They/Them]

Misc. Characters.

??? (Known Online As LabyrinthineLayabout): Minor God (Domains: Curiosity, Morality | Motifs: Bismuth, Pink) [He/Him]
???: Collision Type* [It/It's]

*Add-Ons Undisclosed

Primary Role-Play Characters

[Entry Name: Tary]

[Image: pqx89w5.png]
Nicknames/Aliases: N/A
Prounouns: He/Him
Species: Tiny Cat Person
Type: Brass Knuckles, Doctor
Add-Ons: [Modifiers: Elevated, Permeable]
Age: Young
Personality: Tary is a stern bastard who prefers to focus on objectives and goals, rather than socialization and leisure. He is rather tight lipped about his past, but doesn't often tell lies.

Relationships: [LOCKED]

Source: The Gauntlet

[Entry Name: Firefly]


General Characters
[Entry Name: Lucent]


[Entry Name: Absent]


[Entry Name: Gord]
[Image: qTc3g5m.png]
"This burn type likes to pull pastries apart before eating them, distressing all of its friends."
Prounouns: He/Him
Species: Tiny Cat Person
Type: Burn
Add-Ons: [LOCKED]
Age: Medium-Young
Personality: Gord is a strange fellow, rough around the edges but still quite sociable. An avid pastry fan, he enjoys a good stringy filling to fulfill his desires for destruction. Nowadays he only gets his meals from one source: Cake's, mostly because Roller enjoys it and he can consistently fulfill his desires without getting kicked out, hopefully.


Quotil: Gord and Quotil get along well despite their lack of common characteristics and interests. Quotil doesn't mind Gord's brash nature, even if they find him terribly unmannerly. Likewise, Gord is willing to sit and let Quotil gush and rant at him, enjoying the deep and enigmatic thought process they bring. Even if Gord often has trouble following said thought process.

Roller: Roller and Gord have been best buds since they met, covering each others weakness in the field of baked goods consumption. Gord often protects Roller from the ill-will that the Space Type often doesn't notice. Gord is the first one to make sure Roller's voice is heard... in the rare cases Roller does have something to say.

Cake(1): Gord is the messiest eater on planet by choice. If it weren't for Roller's methodical hoover manuevering, Quotil's generous tipping, and the consistent business they provide; Gord's method of consuming pastries would have gotten him kicked out long ago.

Neptune(1): These two do not get along. Gord sees Neptune as sappy and sugary, too sweet for his (metaphorical) taste. Though its mostly verbal, they do occasionally throw pastries or knock over ladders out of spite, but they haven't properly gotten physical.

Prophet(1): While neither of these two would lose a staring contest(lacking eyeballs) they often get into such events. Though Gord has too much of a "cool guy" persona around them to get angry over it, he still gets irked by it.

Drake(1): Gord isn't a fan of Drake, mostly because of a unending stream of accusations of being supernatural, they do manage to gain some amusement out of them. While Gord hasn't done much more than shove Drake, they have on occasion messed with Drake's head by acting in strange ways to use their paranoia against them. More than once has Drake been "marked" with a half eaten pastry.

Source: Birthday Gacha-Pack

[Entry Name: Quotil]
[Image: sZocd3A.png]
"This gore type can't get enough of sticker collecting-any kind will do."
Prounouns: They/Them
Species: Tiny Cat Person
Type: Gore
Add-Ons: [LOCKED]
Age: Medium
Personality: Quotil spends the majority of their day at "work" and as such is often busy. In their free time they enjoy spending time and cash with their friends, Gord and Roller. Enjoying a strong breakfast every day at Cake's and growing their sticker collection in the evening. In conversation they can be a bit hard to understand, as their mind constantly questions and re-analyses every bit of information, causing them to constantly interject themself.


Gord: Gord is often Quotil's shoulder to cry on, and vice versa. Not really caring about each other's abrasive personalities, they find a lot of pleasure from simply hanging out, despite the lack of major common interests to bind them. With the advent of Roller, their bond over protecting the bean has only led them closer. 

Roller: Despite constantly apologizing to store owners, strangers, and mutual friends for Roller's complete and utter lack of fucks, they share a close bond. A bit of a mentor and older sibling, Quotil is a bit doting, but ultimately lets Roller do what they want. They find Roller's humor irresistible when it comes out.

Lira: Quotil is good friends with Lira, though Quotil wishes she would get out more, they have settled for the occasional excursion with their other friends. They share a special bond of making the bakery crew concerned about their lines of work by being extremely vague.

Cake(1): Feeling sorry for the chaos and potential loss of customers caused by their friends, Quotil has taken up the burden of practically bribing Cake with exorbitant tips of upwards to 70% on already typically expensive pastries. They wish they could make it up to Cake better, but overall they are hesitant to change the current routine.

Neptune(1): Quotil is not a fan of Neptune leading Roller into dangerous circumstance, but rarely intervenes due to respect for Roller as person, even if its kind of easy to think of him as childlike with his behavior.

Prophet(1): That face... THAT FACE! Quotil is polite enough to try and contain their unease around prophet, but it still kind of shows when Prophet moves close. They've tried to overcome their fears with a few head pats, but it hasn't made much of an impact on the their subconscious.

Drake(1): Drake is one of the few people Quotil shows any aggression towards, mostly for their rude accusations. This has resulted in an awful number of jokes about "guts" from Gord.

Source: Birthday Gacha-Pack

[Entry Name: Roller]
[Image: K4waRKE.png]
"This space type lingers in bakeries, trying to snatch the leftovers."
Prounouns: He/Him
Species: Tiny Cat Person
Type: Space
Add-Ons: N/A
Age: Medium-Young
Personality: Roller is a fairly quiet TCP, and typically hangs out with their friends, letting them talk among each other. The most well known quirk of his personality comes from his infatuation with bread, although Cake's is his favorite bakery; he is known to go on his lonesome and "investigate" the quality of other establishments. 


Gord: Gord is Roller's longest term, closest friend. They originally bonded over their bread eating niches and have found their personalities to strangely mix well, with Gord typically being able to speak up for Roller when they lack the drive or confidence to do so.

Quotil: Roller's more sensible friend is a bit of an elder sibling, they are often focused on keeping Roller out of genuine trouble (Often caused by Gord.) Roller, however, tries to impress them quite often, if in strange ways that only the trio really understands.

Cake(1): Roller likes Cake's bakery the most, and only comes with his best friends in tow. Every. Single. Day. Once the ritual of breadcrumbs is complete, the friends leave a disturbingly generous tip and usually say goodbye in a clockwork efficiency.

Neptune(1): Roller is often dared/goaded/led into eating massive quantities of baked goods or ice cream by Neptune. No matter how much he piles on Rollers plate, it never fazes him.

Prophet(1): These two are acquaintances because neither of them care particularly much about eachother's quirks. Rollers proclivity to dumpster diving has led to many afternoon encounters with the staff of Cake Bakes, so Roller simply figured out the days where Prophet takes out the trash and limited them self to those days, so as to avoid conflict.

Drake(1): Drake's strange obsession with the supernatural doesn't really phase Roller, much like everything. Though they get much better along than the other members of the trio, which is to say, at all.

Source: Birthday Gacha-Pack

[Entry Name: Lira]
[Image: iWW45Th.png]
"This corpse type wants to go swimming sometime, but knows it'd make a horrible mess."
Prounouns: She/Her
Species: Tiny Cat Person
Type: Corpse
Add-Ons: N/A
Age: Medium-Elder
Personality: Lira despite her age, is still as shy as a newly spawned. Working in the medical field as an esoteric form of amputation, she gets a decent amount of cash to spend on regular vacations to other zones, taking in the sights and sounds of other cultures. Her shyness does not make these vacations any easier, however.


Quotil: Lira's only close friend, they became such after Quotil's curiosity at the fellow body type, and her role in the clinic. They most often spend their time together shopping in the evening, primarily for new stickers but they often mix it up. Lira is sometimes overwhelmed by Quotil; But they have gotten better as of late at not gushing too hard for Lira to handle. 

Roller & Gord: Having the mutual friendship with Quotil, Lira occasionally goes out to their regular breakfasts at Quotil's behest. Despite being somewhat gruesome looking herself, she finds Gord's table manners somewhat disturbing, but can stomach it. She find Roller rather endearing, if a disconcertingly unaware of his surroundings.

Source: Birthday Gacha-Pack

[Entry Name: Nightling]
[Image: Ace-Engine.png]
"This engine type only races at night, enjoying the cover of darkness."
Prounouns: She/Her
Species: Tiny Cat Person
Type: Engine
Add-Ons: N/A
Age: Young
Personality: Nightling is a night owl, and not just because they don't physically have to sleep. They love to race at night, enjoying the new lights and smoke of flaring engines against the lit Hoopla backdrop. Some may consider her loud, but its hardly quiet in Hoopla's urban TCP, colonies especially at night. Though the loss of an old friend has left them... a bit hollow, knowing that nothing good could have come of it.


Source: Traded From AceOfNothing

[Entry Name: Hester]
[Image: Hester.png]
"This engine type loves old horror movies, even if they aren't very good."
Prounouns: He/Him
Species: Tiny Cat Person
Type: Engine
Add-Ons: [Modifiers: Hygenic][Anomalies: Ability (Hester's ability now runs on hygiene products)]
Age: Young
Personality: Hester is a bit tired for an engine type, exhausted by his job as a corporate mascot he likes to spend his free time in more mellow ways. Hester is a big fan of horror movies, though they seem to have absolutely zero taste, incapable of understanding the "so bad its good" phenomenon, because nothing is bad in their eyespots. 


Source: Mystery Gift

[Entry Name: Tape]


Misc. Characters

[Entry Name: "LabrinthineLayabout"]
[Image: M7xGh2F.png]
[Quote Locked]
Prounouns: He/Him
Species: God (Lesser)
Domains: Curiosity, Morality
Motifs: Bismuth, Pink
Age: Alive During First Morbitian Time Period
Personality: Outside of his zone, not much is known about him besides his rather corporate behavior and mindset. Though he does seem to understand the likes of "human rights" and "freedom" unlike most of that subset.


[Error: Unknown]

Source: Fan-Made

[Entry Name: ???]


(1): Character belongs to user AceOfNothing