Homebrew Deviants Forums

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+------- Thread: [USER_PROFILE] [DREAMING_SHORES] (/thread-780.html)

[USER_PROFILE] [DREAMING_SHORES] - Wilds - 08-24-2023

REGISTERED: 8-18-316
PRONOUNS: Xe/xyr, ze/zir, it/its, he/him
MOOD: None
STATUS: Online
ABOUT: I am here to keep an eye on things.

RE: [USER_PROFILE] [DREAMING_SHORES] - Wilds - 08-25-2023


Keep an eye on me, you mean. ;;;) Hey, did you register before I did? You didn't tell me that.

RE: [USER_PROFILE] [DREAMING_SHORES] - Wilds - 08-25-2023


i do not need to tell you everything i do. you of all creatures ought to respect that.