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[REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - Printable Version

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[REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 01-21-2023

request a character or two, post a song, ask a question, whatever works as long as it isn't too specific and pertains to our characters (sorry we may do other peoples' later but not rn)

you can also go "random maze trials character" or "random PCA character" or whatever you want really

3 requests at a time max, if one gets drawn you can ask for another but you have Three At Any Time

let's go

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - victorianflorist - 01-21-2023


RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 01-21-2023

(01-21-2023, 09:18 PM)victorianflorist Wrote: https://open.spotify.com/track/3DErMJzUrtfGUjet3xpUml?si=ad29395dc71844a2

[Image: yIgai0r.png]

here's badd, he's on my mind lately and i think he works good for this

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - Guest - 01-21-2023

Maybe two people listening to music? Either on a couch or outside.

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - MarxzVulpez - 01-21-2023

May I request Tiles, Grind, and Ravine

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 01-21-2023

(01-21-2023, 09:39 PM)Guest Wrote: Maybe two people listening to music? Either on a couch or outside.

[Image: AdyYF7C.png]
here's braxton (left) and needy (right) listening to tunes back at braxton's apartment- the two of them used to live in the same city in hoopla, but needy's since moved away to go live with family. the two of them bonded over being corvice, especially in a region outside of the luxson cluster. needy returned to monte to help their family with mob business, leaving brax to fend for himself.

[Image: yUPBvze.png]
also i made rin draw this to cool tf out

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - SHIVERS - 01-21-2023

SONG 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaX-M9vde3Y
LYRICS: https://genius.com/Kate-bush-experiment-iv-lyrics

SONG 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHKcjxfsh00
LYRICS: https://genius.com/Good-sad-happy-bad-slick-lyrics

SONG 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Uq4jEvoNBU​​​​​​​
LYRICS: https://genius.com/Parrot-dream-follow-me-lyrics

feel free to use any/all/none of these; up to yall

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-07-2023

rin's gonna check out those tracks while he's in the front but i am here to request requests for my (xavier's) characters specifically. no NSFW please

characters you can request:

the main guys
-tim, beloved plaything dog
-"the rival", oooh some mysterious guy from FC that i'll provide sneak peeks of but no context
-spider, bellows protagonist and extremely tall de'moneres
-shauna, maze trials TCP and the world's angriest hedgehog type
-"faint", a character design i really need to puzzle out for PCA (como knows)
-crisp, cutlass type, felid factor character and local angsty swordboy
-frost, morbit sona and big time fighty nerd

the side guys (less priority but i will still enjoy)
-obscura, ex-gauntlet staff (i need to figure out what to do with him)
-jada, moon type TCP session survivor
-fixture, spider type terror hunter
-unnamed TCPsona

or just a random request like "character dreaming" and i'll pick

do as much as you want right now i just need shit to draw

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - ThreadLurkingComorant - 02-07-2023


RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - victorianflorist - 02-07-2023

The rival in a nightmare

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - knux400 - 02-07-2023

You should draw Shauna yelling at someone

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - King-Clod - 02-07-2023

it's been a while since I've seen much of Obscura, maybe some art of him having a spawnday party? Or however he celebrates, if he does

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - MarxzVulpez - 02-07-2023

Faint in a smallish elevator

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-07-2023

gonna do all of these but keep em coming

[Image: fJbhOm4.png]

starting off with the doodle of the rival, here's him sharing a dream with wilson and it's not going well. they never fucking do. these two do NOT get along and do not consider each other friends by any stretch of the word, so it makes you wonder why they're dream sharing at all...

also let me know if his goofy zombie eye should get a content warning, i'd personally prefer if i didnt have to spoiler him with every post but also it is a dangly eyeball and if anyone takes issue i can do so

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-07-2023

[Image: Kg0HPsw.png]

sorry folks como asked for frost and that means i have to draw him a little attractive, which is to say him just sitting around doing nothing in his underwear. not even remotely suggestive but whatever. he's technically got some karacel heritage which gave his carapace a breast-like shape, hence the kind of large and prominent "top surgery" scars. which is to say i designed him with them while not remembering that combers can't have tits

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-07-2023

[Image: c9aJ628.png]

i dont know if this really captures yelling, but it is shauna being very fucking pissed off. when the drippy hands come out, it's your signifier to fucking run. just run.

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-07-2023

[Image: RxUN85X.png]

kind of a boring sketch of faint but also it's my first time drawing them so whatever. they're an opera-timeline neuroth and thus a bit smaller than how they usually are, with some different features (lack of pupils and melty eyes, for one). kind of inspired by scooby doo ghosts a bit?

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - ThreadLurkingComorant - 02-07-2023


RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - knux400 - 02-07-2023

draw tim being gay

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-07-2023

[Image: ytAfCNr.png]

dropdead is not good at making tiny cakes lol

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - King-Clod - 02-07-2023

Jada in their happiest memory from the session they were in, if there were any

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - Pichi2214 - 02-07-2023

i would love to see Spider!! didnt know you write her :O

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-14-2023

NEW REQUEST PROMPT: gay pairings. gay pairings for valentine's day. whoever you want and does not have to be just our characters, as long as we can track down a ref we're game. go

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - ThreadLurkingComorant - 02-14-2023


RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - King-Clod - 02-14-2023

Hmm... Tiles x Creme would be the obvious, but I dunno...I kinda wanna go for something fun and noncanon.
Tiles x Mirror Tiles maybe?

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - King-Clod - 02-14-2023

Actually. Second request. Wilson x Rival.

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-14-2023

favorite mulligan pairing:

[Image: RxvwcaH.png]

extremely fucking biased considering i write motley but also fucking lmao these two are too silly
what is motley saying? nothing i can post on the 16+ forums, no doubt

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - ThreadLurkingComorant - 02-14-2023

Charon trying to figure out how to bite Maes like a vampiire and being bad at it.

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - knux400 - 02-14-2023

I don't have specific pairs but I have a few gay activities:
-rolled up together in a blanket burrito
-in a pillow fort watching a scary movie
-they accidentally went to the exact same store to buy the other a present and they ended up meeting each other there
-X is teaching Y something they are VERY enthusiastic about. Y doesn't understand that much but just likes hearing X talk

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-14-2023

[Image: dMxdet4.png]

snuggling after a hard traveling day

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-14-2023

[Image: fRSPohQ.png]

this one's WEIRD but i like it

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-14-2023

[Image: mBYOLsz.png]

one of their usual roasting sessions turns into a dare and now they have to get dinner and a movie together. gay

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-14-2023

[Image: rLNUPiD.png]

the heartsongs are also giving me some on the side so here comes gay

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - SHIVERS - 02-14-2023


(also our characters are free to request for these; canon or not

we're doing the same on the side, with pairings that May Or May Not Be Canon
(No I Will Not Tell Which, If Any, Are))

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-14-2023

[Image: 8wbi54d.png]

theyre so dumb and so gay

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - King-Clod - 02-14-2023

If I am allowed one more... Steady x Cabinetta

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-14-2023

[Image: idEKyc2.png]

more gay for heartsongs

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - MarxzVulpez - 02-14-2023

Melvin & Flynt (I'm pretty sure you said this one's valid)

Bucket & Smiles cuddle pile (headspace or physical space)?

I know Void Session is kind of an Ouch spot right now but maybe Marnet & Dad?

Lex Dotty and Jam (maybe headspace/digital realm stuff??)?

Dreamy & Wilson (drag/camp look flirting since you mentioned that in a different thread?)?

Ao & Croww?

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-14-2023

[Image: oWSAr1c.png]

dreamy wasn't requested he just wants to crash the party

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-14-2023


RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-14-2023

[Image: rxajnFE.png]

in which i discover i really enjoy drawing cabinetta's hair

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 02-14-2023

[Image: A5huet0.png]

does system proxy is gay

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - MarxzVulpez - 02-14-2023

Heartsong Character requests inbound

Roux + Cerulean (CeRouxlean) (long arms good for hugs)

Sasha + Aubrey

I was going to suggest Pepper +Mystery but sniped

Intuition + Yawn

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 03-04-2023

going to bed but posting this in both the doodle thread and q+a:

we are open this week for sketch + ramble requests for the cast of the first maze trials anthology volume!

[Image: adrtiqW.png]
Meringue - Maze Trials - Zoray Mortis
A petsite type with a love for its ability, and a penchant for scampering around complex trial chambers with ease. A little bit grating to some, but it's less naive than it looks.

[Image: TKLisyM.png]
Mackenzie - Maze Trials - Christi Mortis
A reanimation type with an understandably cynical outlook about the situation she's in. When not seething about the dangerous trials she's put through, Mac longs for better ways to express herself.

[Image: D5Ih755.png]
Dale - Maze Trials - Percy Mortis
A lawyer type known for her sunny attitude and gentle touches. She is part of Petal's entourage of TCPs, and is more than happy to help with any tedious tasks needing to be done.

[Image: WpixiKN.png]
Petal - Maze Trials - Nana Mortis
A proxy type with a stern nature and multiple kill marks to back it up. Runs a faction of TCPs focused on strategic ability use, and is their proud leader.

[Image: D1sPA1t.png]
Sweetheart - Maze Trials - HOUNDE Mortis
Known as Sweet for short, Sweetheart is a lubrication type with a bit of a dazed look about her. Enjoys puzzles and desserts, does not enjoy thinking about the concept of gender.

[Image: xgvxhZg.png]
Patchy - Maze Trials - Ellerie Mortis
A patchimus type with a bone to pick, tired of being treated like a soft and fuzzy toy by other TCPs. Even so, they don’t mind being picked up by their friend Tendril.

[Image: wqJ3z8A.png]
Pine - Maze Trials - Ellerie Mortis
A heavily modified warmth type groomed into strange and violent rituals involving TCP fluid. Completely unaware of the nature of the trials and wellbeing of other TCPs.

[Image: rfrF2vr.png]
Ruth - Maze Trials - Ellerie Mortis
A queen type most well known for being Patchy’s late “girlfriend”, even if Patchy never fully agreed to the terms. Known for being blunt and headstrong before her death.

[Image: GfvcHPN.png]
Tendril - Maze Trials - Iris Mortis
A gentle, kindly claw type with heavy modification work done to it- seemingly with no rhyme or reason. Its body is full of wires, strange electronics, and what seems to be mechanisms there for the sole purpose of causing it pain.

[Image: t85oBq8.png]
Shauna - Maze Trials - Xavier Mortis
A scorned hedgehog type turned powerful scrap user, Shauna is known for her cruel methods of exacting justice in the trials. Full of anger, compulsive instincts and a deep loneliness, she refuses to act with any peers or companions.

[Image: ysIz12W.png]
Layman - Maze Trials - Remus Mortis
An emerald type making herself known as a mechanic who prefers to fix things over ordering new ones with impressions. Sturdy and reliable, but a bit to the point about things.

[Image: rTRBizz.png]
Fin - Maze Trials - Fran Mortis
A god type sealed inside a test tube chamber, her only companion being Crater, a high god type kept in the same room. She has telepathic powers due to one of her unknown domains, and uses it to keep Crater company.

[Image: jOb01wL.png]
Crater - Maze Trials - Herian Mortis
A high god type contained inside a test tube chamber, kept sealed away from the rest of the trials. Fin is its only friend, and it would give the world to keep her safe.

go nuts

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - knux400 - 03-04-2023

Meringue sitting in a pile of its pets

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - AceOfNothing - 03-05-2023

Can I request Dale doing the like... Ace Attorney "Objection" pose

Also were Fin and Crater ever not in the tube? How long were they out if they were?

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - knux400 - 03-05-2023

Gonna drop a bunch here, feel free to take or skip at your own leisure

  • Sweetheart in puddle form
  • Crater and Fin fist-bumping with the caption "tube buds" across the top
  • Shauna using the Tar chip in Mega Man Battle Network
  • Tendril dropping the hottest techno beat in the Trials using its implants

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 03-15-2023

sorry for the delay- we're extending this doodle period but have a bunch from the other day
[Image: iDC41QE.png]

some notes:

-shauna looks very cute at all times if you can't see her fucked up tar-covered arm, kind of like a mascot for some cutesy brand or videogame. it is veryhard to make her look threatening in art
-meringue loves its pets so much, and takes good care of all of them. it even gets attached to ones it makes during testing...
-dale would absolutely fucking love ace attorney and would think mia fey is the coolest character ever. that kind of makes us want to try drawing her in a mia fey outfit at some point but that would have to be prospective  post-trials dale or an AU or something where she can surgically get the suit removed (which honestly, she would)
-we think someone requested fin on stream for that last one, or at least requested something about medical trauma/surgery...she's been through it

will do more in a bit, feel free to leave more

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - skinstealer - 03-15-2023

[Image: wDF4Nls.png]

update could not wait on drawing mia fey dale

RE: [REQUEST] Mortis Doodle Thread - AceOfNothing - 03-15-2023

Where does Dale stand on the step ladder/ ladder thing