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[TCP] citrus’s adopted children list - Printable Version

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[TCP] citrus’s adopted children list - Clockwork Citrus - 04-30-2019

I’m gonna put all the tcps that I got that were adopts here, so my oc tcps will be in a diffrent post, comments are not suggested  I’m using the Not so simple template. 

hapless-citrus type
slipper-snake type
sunfish-eyeball type
lattie-dust type
illuminate-tent type 

RE: [TCP] citrus’s adopted children list - Clockwork Citrus - 05-01-2019

[Image: tcpdex:knife001.png]
Full name: Grayscale
Pronouns; He/him
species: tcp
Type: knife
personality: quiet, reclusive, moody
occupation: artist
Location: Wonder 
likes: clouds
dislikes: eggs 
funfact: most of his art  is of clouds, some of them are of his friends, he rarely ever  draws himself. 

[Image: tcpdex:anxiety001.png]
name: Flick
pronouns: he/him they/them
species: tcp
type: anxiety 
location: Hearth 

RE: [TCP] citrus’s adopted children list - Clockwork Citrus - 05-01-2019

[Image: tcpdex:positivity002.png]
Name: Droplet
pronouns: She/her
species: tcp
type: positivity
personality: tries to stay positive, but doesnt do a great job at it, she is weepy a lot, and is quick to tears
Occupation: doesnt have one at the moment 
Location: Whimsy
Likes: making sweaters for themself, and likes to be with Cole (fairy ring type)
Dislikes: unhappy people
Fun fact: believes that ts her job to make everyone happy. 

RE: [TCP] citrus’s adopted children list - Clockwork Citrus - 05-03-2019

[Image: tcpdex:collision002.png]
name: splitscreen
pronouns: He/him
speices: tcp
personality: gentle, happy for the most part 
occupation: n/a
likes: friends,  hugs , wires, video games 
dislikes: arguing, people breaking his things for fun 
fun fact: collects video games and systems, has 3 neopets, 

RE: [TCP] citrus’s adopted children list - Clockwork Citrus - 05-03-2019

[Image: tcpdex:dad005.png]
Name violet 
pronouns: they/them
species: tcp
type: dad 
personalities: knows a lot about finances 
occupation: tax expert
likes: being strong and helpful
dislikes: tax fraud 
fun fact: stronger then taxes, is stronger then everything by default 

[Image: tcpdex:ferret002.png]
name: Keely
pronouns: he/him
species: tcp
type: ferret
occupation: n/a
location: solitude
personality: curious
likes:exploring, treasure, small spaces
dislikes: threatening looking people, large open spaces with no where to run around and stuff 
fun fact: looks for left behind treasure 

RE: [TCP] citrus’s adopted children list - Clockwork Citrus - 05-07-2019

[Image: tcpdex:corpse002.png]

name: wendell
species: tcp
type: corpse
personality: giving, generous, creative 
likes: fabric
dislikes: itchy stuff
location: solitude 
fun fact: makes raincoats for all types of tcps making sure they fit perfectly 

RE: [TCP] citrus’s adopted children list - Clockwork Citrus - 05-09-2019

[Image: tcpdex:bat006.png]
species: tcp
personality: distant, observation, 
location: hoopla
likes:sowing quilts, 
dislikes: cold
fun fact: this bat type is always watching, though what it's looking for is unclear. 

[Image: tcpdex:engine002.png]
species: tcp
type: engine
personality: quiet, calm, nervous
location: unsure
likes: quiet, and peace
dislikes: loud noises, loud people, just loud
fun fact: This engine type hates loud noises, avoiding using its own ability whenever possible. 

RE: [TCP] citrus’s adopted children list - Clockwork Citrus - 05-30-2019

[Image: tcpdex:citrus004.png]

name: hapless
spieces: tcp
type: citrus
likes: being with friends, always ready to hang  out
dislikes: people being mad at her
personality: clumsy but happy, 
location: hoopla 
fun fact: This citrus type is disaster prone, getting fruit juice everywhere.