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[IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - Printable Version

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+------- Thread: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] (/Thread-IM-with-RADCAT-420-and-CHILL-BUG)

[IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - King-Clod - 08-18-2021

These messages are private between you and [RADCAT_420].
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[CHILL_BUG]: alright so, this is [_chill_] from the forums
[CHILL_BUG]: I'm a spider/clown type, but my ability gets a bit funky
[CHILL_BUG]: anyone wrapped up in my string gets caught in a sort of "mental web" in addition to the physical one
[CHILL_BUG]: as in - the more string you're in contact with, the less you can remember from before you were caught
[CHILL_BUG]: and my clown ability mixed in makes whoever's touching the web a looot more giggly
[CHILL_BUG]: I can send a sort of bracelet of my string if your looking for something chill, where you're in a mental haze but you can still remember basic things like what you were doing before you put it on, and, y'know, to take the bracelet off eventually
[CHILL_BUG]: but I'm not comfortable sending any more string than that, so if you're looking for something stronger we'd need to meet up irl

RE: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - Lilium Mortem - 08-18-2021

[RADCAT_420]: oooh that's really interesting. 
[RADCAT_420]: what's a clown?

RE: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - King-Clod - 08-18-2021

[CHILL_BUG]: ah right
[CHILL_BUG]: it does get confusing sometimes when Hoopla clowns are awful and clown types ourselves tend not to be anything like that
[CHILL_BUG]: I'm really not sure, honestly! but clown types kinda look like goofy creatures with buttons, poofy hair, and a big nose. and the usual ability is to make people more likely to laugh, and our vocalizations are like honks and giggles.
[CHILL_BUG]: so maybe something like that? a silly, weird, goose? maybe that's where the term silly goose comes from?

RE: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - Lilium Mortem - 08-18-2021

[RADCAT_420]: I'm not familier with hoopla clowns. hoopla is a taverne zone right? I'm from calliope over in [ooc: whatever the heck rin's gonna name the region with concepts and neuroths and whatever]
[RADCAT_420]: So it makes you giggly? is the effect similar to Nitrous oxide(laughing gas)?
[RADCAT_420]: seems similar to some anesthetics.
[RADCAT_420]: does it affect short term and long term memory?

RE: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - King-Clod - 08-18-2021

[CHILL_BUG]: ah hoopla clowns are like, a dedicated crime group or something, I think they kill people?
[CHILL_BUG]: I'll be honest, I don't know much about them myself, I'm not from hoopla either
[CHILL_BUG]: my ability makes you giggly, yeah, kiiinda similar to laughing gas? not entirely. it doesn't just make you laugh outright, it makes everything seem funnier. so if I told you a bad pun you might roll your eyes, but while touching the string if I told you a pun just as bad you might laugh at it, that sort of thing
[CHILL_BUG]: my ability does affect short and long term memory, but only when you're touching the web/string. it completely wears off once you get unstuck, though there might be a bit of residual confusion if residue from it sticks to you. I can bring baby wipes if you're worried about that

RE: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - Lilium Mortem - 08-18-2021

[RADCAT_420]: has your ability been tested?
[RADCAT_420]: like have you been to a research facility of some kind?
[RADCAT_420]: not doubting you that it's safe, but If there's any official documentation I'd like to read that before making a decision.

RE: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - King-Clod - 08-18-2021

[CHILL_BUG]: nah, I was a street spawn
[CHILL_BUG]: I was taken in by a TCP program thing when I was first spawned, they might have minimal notes on my ability for when I was staying there, but that was years ago
[CHILL_BUG]: I've used it a few times, so I know that it's mostly safe (when used in moderation) but I'm afraid I don't have any official documentation, no

RE: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - King-Clod - 08-19-2021

[CHILL_BUG]: I get that online things can be sketchy though - I can just send you string if you like, but as I said before, I can't send more than a bracelet's worth. if you give me an address/P.O box and say, 10-15 cash (not sure how to price this, honestly) I can send that your way

RE: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - Lilium Mortem - 08-20-2021

[RADCAT_420]: I know a guy, and by that, I mean I know obscure calliope social services that do experemental recreational drug testing.
[RADCAT_420]: it's wild out here.
[RADCAT_420]: So I'd like a sample of your silk(?)
[RADCAT_420]: As for pricing
[RADCAT_420]: You create the silk, so labor plus shipping and anything extra is profit. I think.

RE: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - King-Clod - 08-20-2021

[CHILL_BUG]: oh heck shipping you're right
[CHILL_BUG]: ok - how does 20 cash sound?
[CHILL_BUG]: send me that over Billsell, and give me an address to send the silk to and I should be able to get that to you

RE: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - Lilium Mortem - 08-20-2021

[RADCAT_420]: alright, I'm apartment 43, 103 Somber ln, [city], Calliope, [region]
[RADCAT_420]: Just give me a sec to send the cash through.

RE: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - Lilium Mortem - 08-20-2021

[RADCAT_420]:...done. Thanks I'll let you know in a couple of weeks what they find out during testing.

RE: [IM with RADCAT_420 and CHILL_BUG] - King-Clod - 08-20-2021

[CHILL_BUG]: no prob! the package should have a small circlet of multicolored braided silk, wrapped in cling film to keep it from sticking to the wall (it is spider silk after all). please let me know if anything got damaged in transit/looks tampered with when you get it