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Toys - Printable Version

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Toys - molasses - 08-10-2021


(a dimly lit photo of several different burnt out industrial fuses lined up neatly)

They don't do anything but I think they are good. I found them.

RE: Toys - skinstealer - 08-10-2021


oh, nice find!

personally, i like to save complex sized buttons that get sent to my work by mistake instead of the TCP sized ones! i'm starting a little collection myself

RE: Toys - cosmo - 08-11-2021


can anyone tell what those are? i can't make them out at all.

RE: Toys - Lilium Mortem - 08-12-2021

[VOID_COWBOY]: @paint those are burnt out trash fuses. not much of a collection. now this: (Image posted of a glass cabinet full of figurines) This is a collection.

RE: Toys - King-Clod - 08-12-2021

[ROGUE_WOODSMAN]: no need to put down someone else's collection, man.

RE: Toys - cosmo - 08-12-2021


huh ok then. i'm not a huge toys person anyway i mostly like stim toys that are useful cause they help me focus and shit. but if they make you happy then that's cool.

RE: Toys - skinstealer - 08-12-2021


i think they're nice! it's fun to pick up new little treasures, even if they don't seem significant to anyone else.

RE: Toys - Pichi2214 - 08-12-2021


Oh that's a fun collection gear train!

(a picture of a row of neatly pressed flowers lying on a grey carpet floor)

I realize this isn't really toys, but... we seem to be showing off collections of cool things anyway so... Here's some out of my collection :>