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What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - Printable Version

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+------ Thread: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in (/Thread-What-would-be-the-SCARIEST-LOCATION-to-be-in)

What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - sarcovyn - 08-08-2021

[Image: haxel_pfp.png]
See thread TITLE... I want to know what kinds of locations give you the CREEPS. Including INTERIOR DECORATION.

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - molasses - 08-09-2021


Train Station with lots of People in is very scary.

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - skinstealer - 08-09-2021


There aren't any places that scare ME particularly, but the woods at night are never safe...especially not from the beasts that walk the dark!! >:)

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - Lilium Mortem - 08-09-2021

[Jocelyn]: I agree with GEAR_TRAIN, crowded areas are terrifying. Additionally I find amusement parks, pet shops, Schools, places with active industrial machinery, and wide open plains fairly scary.

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - MarxzVulpez - 08-09-2021

[Afterlife-Signal]: I've done a fair bit of traveling, and as such have seen quite a few creepy places.  Most of Consumption could fit this description tbh but I'm going to attribute that a lot to the fucked up wildlife that creep of a god made. Fallow's Cluster can be pretty freaky too with all those abandoned areas just swarming with Terrors. Honestly though, I'd probably give my creepiest pick to any of the Dead Zones I've been too, namely Bluster and Whimsey.

Like, especially at night. Firstly there's literally no atmosphere (the border looks super weird btw, just a wall of air then nothing) and everything is unnervingly still, so the only sounds are going to be coming through your suit. Second by "still" I mean "if it hasn't been touched since collapse it has not moved" like, the only difference for a lot of buildings is that the paint's gone bleached by the sun. Thirdly, not to get too morbid but occasionally the teams I work with will find folks who didn't make it, the worst ones are those who apparently refused to adapt or leave. 

Very Morbid warning for this next part:
Show ContentSpoiler:

Don't even get me fucking started on the Horrors that occasionally erupt from the crust or are wandering around already, I've slugged and or hidden from enough of those for several life times. Has only happened to me personally like, twice, but gods forbid a fucking angel shows up, shit just gets super weird at that point.

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - Lilium Mortem - 08-09-2021

[Jocelyn]: That sounds... improbable. Then again I haven't looked much into dead zones. I am curious, if there's no air, where did it go?

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - MarxzVulpez - 08-10-2021

[Afterlife-Signal]: Most likely answer is that it just kind of leaked off into space as the godly influence holding it to the planet faded or w/e. I have heard a theory that it got zapped to another universe, but I wouldn't put any stock into it

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - Ignispark - 08-10-2021

if space is where air goes when its able to. would that make space one of the least scary locations? since, that's the home of air, if its where air wants to go. (air is good because it allows things to tarnish and other useful things. also party balloons. that's basically negative scary value., if air is okay with space, i think.)

and if it's one of the least scary locations. then, the opposite of it is probably one of the most scary locations. so, a cramped underground location with nowhere to go would be one of the most scary locations! (i think that makes sense, because, being stuck in an enclosed space is never fun, unless you are able to cut the box open. then its kind of okay, i guess. anyway. don't fall into a toolbox.)

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - Lilium Mortem - 08-10-2021

Jocelyn: Godly influence? Is that how gravity functions? I need to find a physics textbook.

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - King-Clod - 08-12-2021

[ROGUE_WOODSMAN]: what gives me the creeps? empty places that are supposed to be populated. like an arcade at night, with all the lights of the cabinets still on. or a grocery store that got evacuated for a scrap storm, with the lights off but the shelves still stocked, and with full carts left abandoned in the parking lot. or a dinner table, completely set, food still warm, but with nobody else  there. it either gives a sense that something terrible has happened here, or that something terrible is going to happen here, very, very soon.

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - cosmo - 08-12-2021


@[ROGUE_WOODSMAN] yikes you describe that feeling way too well... agree with rogue.

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - knux400 - 08-12-2021

[f00tsies] i




the concept of being stuck at the bottom of a big hole is horrifying to me. even worse is the prospect of falling down one in the first place. heights dont bug me much but theres something very primal about seeing yourself surrounded on all sides by dirt or stone or whatever and the only way out is up. its almost better to be stuck in a small box bc like... its hard to explain. its like seeing the way out but having no way to get to it just instills the hopelessness of your situation

sorry if i bugged anyone with that... lmk if i need to spoiler anything

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - Lilium Mortem - 08-12-2021

[RADCAT_420]: I got this: Consumption. Name a scarier place in all of Morbit, I dare you.

RE: What would be the SCARIEST LOCATION to be in - sarcovyn - 02-18-2022

[Image: haxel_pfp.png]

Everyone's RESPONSES have been INTERESTING and very TELLING... but I would like to hear more PERSPECTIVES still. Just curious...