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+------- Thread: [USER PROFILE] [MORBID_RANCHER] (/thread-474.html)

[USER PROFILE] [MORBID_RANCHER] - skinstealer - 08-08-2021

REGISTERED: 3-11-315
MOOD: Hungry
STATUS: Online 
love type with a passion for taxidermy and farming, session survivor, i don’t want to talk about it so doooon’t ask 

if you’re gonna judge me for the marks, don’t DM me, comment on my profile, or sass me in response to my posts, i’ll block you. TCPs with marks are allowed on the forums just like any other and session ones especially are supposed to be part of this “safe space” or whatever, so knock it off

so yeah as long as you’re not here to be a dick, some info about me- CONTENT WARNING FOR ANIMAL DEATH MENTIONS, FOR YALL WHO ARENT DOWN FOR THAT

 i work on a farm where i “raise” (sort of) and butcher creatures that i call blood lambs. they’re from the session where i came from and if you’re interested, i sell taxidermied goods from them- or if you’re in the Hearth area, i can see about shipping you some meat. shit’s TCP consumable and everything if you prepare it right, and i’ll send instructions along. check my sales threads. 

i don’t post personal shit here so don’t ask, but any business or plugs are appreciated. thanks for looking, and don’t be a shit. thanks.