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MOOD: i spilled glitter a little bit before writing this. it is getting everywhere. please send help.
STATUS: Online
ABOUT: hi! welcome to my profile. a profile is a space for things. thus, i will provide you with things in this space. the thing you get? simple! the wonder of information. please enjoy the following information:

1. i make things, believe it or not! (please believe it. please. i beg you.)

2. i have some current projects. they include lamp 2: lampier, diagonal chair, and The Table. (note that the bold, italics, and underlining are all important to the title of The Table. please respect The Table. it may not be finished yet, but hey. sometimes things aren't finished yet. that's generally what makes something a current project. or a project on hiatus. or cancelled. i can't promise any of these will ever be finished, but hey. that's how things go. anyhow, i would like to give a shout out to my pal for helping with project names. lampier doesn't register as a real word but. i think maybe it's just too powerful for the dictionary. that's pretty neat.)

3. i still need to find a solution to glitter getting everywhere. (seriously. why does it stick to everything, yet just. keep going.) my pal said that 'glitter does what it pleases. it came before you and will last long after you.' without further comment, so if you know how to stop glitter, let me know!

4. i can and will respond to messages, hopefully. if i don't i might be working on something! sorry if i take a bit. i'll get to it! i promise!

5. this is the free space. imagine i said something wonderful here. please don't imagine anything mean or hurtful though. unless you want to. then, maybe just don't let me know though. okay? okay! anyhow. i think an imaginary garden would be nice. so, if you didn't put anything in. and you don't want to keep that empty. imagine a tiny seedling or something and some soil just being thrown in there. gently thrown, so it doesn't get everywhere. like glitter.

6. i hope you have a good day! thank you for reading this far.

RE: [USER PROFILE] [ABBERANT_INCANDESCENCE] - skinstealer - 08-06-2021

sooo interested in the table- i mean, The Table. curious to see what you've got!


understood! i will make sure to post whenever The Table has any updates. luckily it's one of my projects where the spread of glitter probably actually makes it a bit easier so it has a slight priority at the moment. i'll probably create a relevant thread for my current projects after i manage to put the lighting in The Table.