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[TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - Printable Version

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[TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 02-01-2021

alrighty here goes

here you can request advanced TCPdex notes for a type of your choice- ive got a lot to do and i want to get to them all so i figure that people can request which ones they want to see done so that people can get info they want for say, roleplay or character development more quickly 

my only rules are that you check in the dex whether it's been filled out already before requesting, only request one at a time, and wait for your request to be filled before getting another one queued up. these aren't going to be done on a schedule, they may not even be done in order, and i may skip around and just do them as warmups whenever. be patient, be nice to me, wait your turn, etc

so yeah, go ahead, let's do this

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - AceOfNothing - 02-01-2021

I feel like I have to say Facebank but if you want me to do something else just say it

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - King-Clod - 02-01-2021

Bicycle type!

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 02-02-2021

[Image: unknown.png]

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 02-02-2021

[Image: unknown.png]

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - King-Clod - 02-03-2021

oh cuuute
glad to know they can't be knocked over, either
Could you do Music Box type next?

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 02-03-2021

[Image: unknown.png]

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - AceOfNothing - 02-03-2021

How bout Witch type (morbit)

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 05-22-2021

bumping this, will get to morbit witch in a bit but i'm neck deep in community management nonsense

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 05-22-2021

[Image: Xn4E4o2.png]


RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - Ignispark - 05-22-2021

I'd be interested in seeing the advanced notes for the mobile phone type.

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - AceOfNothing - 05-22-2021

Thank you a bunch! Very adaptable friends.

How about Treasure type, if you don't mind me asking for more.

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - Blue_Fox - 05-22-2021

I'd like to see some more notes on an Amber type, if that hasnt been done already

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - seppawku - 05-23-2021

^^ advanced notes for bjd type, please!

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 05-23-2021

[Image: xXEOOOp.png]

@Blue_Fox here you go!

[Image: 9g4H30g.png]
@Ignispark here you go!

[Image: L5wZtw4.png]

@AceOfNothing annnnd treasure type for you!

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 05-23-2021

[Image: DUfVIBq.png]

@seppawku here you go!

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - AceOfNothing - 05-23-2021

I'm sorry if I ask for too many, I just enjoy reading these
Can I see Gumball Machine

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 05-23-2021

no problem at all, keep em coming, gives me direction on these

[Image: y3ACmR8.png]

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - AceOfNothing - 05-23-2021

Oh! How bout Molded Chocolate type since we have See ^.^

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - Blue_Fox - 05-23-2021

Sticky Hand type notes? Because i have been looking through the tcp dex and this type in particular is hilarious

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 05-23-2021

[Image: RjHVDTz.png]
@AceOfNothing here you go!

[Image: wKThtGw.png]

@Blue_Fox and here you go!

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 05-24-2021

may as well post the ones im doing while im doing them

[Image: unknown.png]

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - entipikal - 05-24-2021

How about notes for bumblebee type? :o

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - AceOfNothing - 05-24-2021

An indoor trio! Cozy friends!!

Can I ask for notes on Stardust type?

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 05-26-2021

[Image: IneTG06.png]

[Image: XPgd9jK.png]

@entipikal here you go!

[Image: Fnd4jFG.png]

@AceOfNothing aaand here you go!

[Image: LLxykpX.png]
adjusted the entry on this one

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - AceOfNothing - 05-28-2021

How bout feather pen type?

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 05-29-2021

[Image: eqTVGV6.png]
@AceOfNothing here you go!

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - entipikal - 05-29-2021

How about wool type? :o

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - cosmo - 06-02-2021

how about horror (creature) type please?

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 06-02-2021

[Image: unknown.png]
@entipikal here you go!

[Image: unknown.png]
@cosmo here you go!

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]

here we go

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - victorianflorist - 06-02-2021

Sock type????

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - cosmo - 06-04-2021

tv type? =O

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - AceOfNothing - 06-04-2021

Ocean type please

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 06-04-2021

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]

more to come

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - AceOfNothing - 06-04-2021

Ooooh love it. How bout fishtank type?

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 06-05-2021

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]

even more to come

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - entipikal - 06-07-2021

If you're still accepting requests, how about blueberry type? (Either way it looks like you forgot to change the type to type: blueberry. It says type: typing)

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - victorianflorist - 06-07-2021

(Error has been corrected, thank u. Feel free to DM me about TCPdex typos in the future, either here or on discord)

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - cosmo - 06-07-2021

computer type please? =O

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 06-11-2021

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png][Image: unknown.png]
Show ContentGore Warning:
[Image: unknown.png]
Show ContentInjury/Burn Warning:
[Image: unknown.png]

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 06-11-2021

[Image: unknown.png]
Here you go

Computer type soon

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - victorianflorist - 06-11-2021

[Image: hivenotes.png][Image: vesselnotes.png]

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - AceOfNothing - 06-12-2021

Stilts type?

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - King-Clod - 08-08-2021

Neck type! (Also, are neck types hollow/complicated on the inside? Or would that be throat type?)

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 08-09-2021

long time no update, enjoy

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png][Image: unknown.png]

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - Wilds - 02-01-2022

I'd love to see Sled Dog Team type!

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - Nairebistac - 09-02-2023

(Sorry if no longer relevant)

Crow type '3

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 11-26-2023

working on these, will do those last two requests in a sec-

gonna link to the actual pages in lieu of an image description considering they are screencaps of a lot of text in fields

[Image: MPx9Hrf.png]

[Image: 99Ejmxh.png]

[Image: xquLoVP.png]

[Image: c4B3sGX.png]

[Image: BSmL9R5.png]

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 11-26-2023

[Image: NIiRjxr.png]

[Image: 20xkS40.png]

here's some more, back to numbered order unless anyone else has requests

RE: [TCP] Advanced TCPdex Notes Requests - skinstealer - 11-27-2023

[Image: O2utH4K.png]

[Image: 7xvKgUd.png]

[Image: SRCqIvB.png]

more, this time based on types tiffany's picked out- i think we'll alternate between id number-based progression and stuff that we actually have a use case for