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[SPECIES DEVELOPMENT] RUFFNECKS - skinstealer - 12-22-2019

[Image: aoZFrjq.png]
[CW: very simple/brief mentions of reproduction (literally just a mention cmon now it's a SFW thread)]


  • Originated in Consumption
  • Created by Spit in ????
  • First morph: Warrior
  • ????


  • Found spread throughout Taverne, primarily in Consumption, Hearth and Precipice
  • Formerly a large number in Bluster, not anymore for obvious reasons
  • Found in other regions to varying degrees, moreso than other Taverne species due to their native zone being hostile to live in
  • Associated primarily with Spit, but the number of worshipers are actually spread between lots of different gods
  • Many ruffnecks actively reject the Spit association
  • High number of Grind and Wane worshipers
  • Middling numbers of other Taverne god worshipers
  • Other religions vary based on region
  • Inability to breathe smoke is a common disability found in many regions, see biology section
  • High rate of injury-based/mental health-based disability for those living in Consumption due to its violent culture
  • Being sick is seen as something to fight through and overcome, even for small viruses
  • Goods made to be chewed on and worn down are common
  • Ruffnecks can sometimes grow “deposits” on their necks, typically gemstones or minerals, but some exceptions exist. These deposits are often times managed through shaving them down, to prevent difficulty in moving their necks and possibly injuring themselves
  • The deposits on ruffnecks’ necks are considered incredibly high value, the exact worth depending on the quality and type of deposit. Gemstones and rare deposits (such as ferrofluid) are particularly sought after, and jewelry made from ruffneck deposits sells for high prices
  • Special goods are made to help shave down/chip away at neck deposits safely
  • Ruffnecks sleep in beds, though many have adopted sleeping piles and close-quarters sleeping arrangements
  • Smoking paraphernalia has a place in ruffneck culture due to its significance in helping those who can’t produce smoke naturally on their own
  • Goods made from neck deposits are easy to sell, even if the goods themselves are simple- the novelty is a big selling point
  • Ruffnecks in Consumption are rarely educated through formal schooling, and are raised by their pack as best as they can
  • Ruffnecks out of Consumption vary in terms of education
  • Housing for ruffnecks varies greatly based on region, but traditional Consumption housing typically involves close-quarters spaces constructed at least partially underground
  • Ruffnecks are excellent fighters, using their sharp teeth and neck deposits to do serious damage to anyone they fight. Some ruffnecks also develop claws in lieu of more paw-like fingers, which also come to their aid
  • Entertainment typically consists of physical activity, be it partaking in it directly or watching others. Sports and games are very common interests for ruffnecks, and help them get excess energy out of their systems
  • Many ruffnecks reject the violent nature of Consumption’s culture, shying away from more aggressive entertainment such as Hoopla’s death games
  • ????


  • Ruffneck facial shapes vary in terms of muzzle length, though most resemble wild dogs, hyenas, thylacines, etc
  • Ruffneck fur is typically fluffy or wispy, with almost smoke like shapes
  • Markings typically take from wild dogs, hyenas, thylacines, etc, though domestic dog patterns can also be common
  • Voices are typically composed of barks, howls, growls, and laughter
  • Most have paw pads, aside from those who have claw fingers (though palm pads are still present)
  • Tails are present on all ruffnecks
  • Hair can be present on ruffnecks, but is not always. Ruffneck hair is typically wispy, and hard to style without product
  • Range from 4’6-6’6 for "normal" adult height range.
  • Digitigrade legs
  • ????


  • Ruffnecks have skeletons, muscles, nerves, organs, and blood.
  • Sharp teeth that occasionally protrude from the mouth as tusks/underbites/overbites
  • Healthy ruffnecks produce and exhale smoke, with unhealthy ones finding themselves unable to
  • Ruffneck smoke is harmless to other ruffnecks, but can cause health issues in other species if precautions are not taken
  • Primarily carnivorous, but can eat anything (even metals)
  • High energy levels
  • Use their ears, tails, and overall posture to convey expression
  • Smoke production is increased in times of tension/excitement
  • Excellent hearing
  • Can see in the dark, but not as well as other species like karacels
  • Pupils are often a lighter color than the sclera
  • Deposits grow on the neck, often times embedded/hidden in fur. Proper upkeep of these deposits involves shaving/chipping away at them to prevent harmful growth
  • No sensation can be found in these deposits, similar to hair
  • Wild canine-like behavior, though some morphs are more akin to domestic dogs
  • Often struck with the urge to hunt things, even in situations that could be dangerous for them or their “prey”
  • ????


  • Ruffnecks reproduce sexually and have moderate amounts of sexual dimorphism
  • 1-3 offspring per “litter”
  • Ruffneck children are referred to as pups, and have high energy levels
  • Pups need lots of exercise in order to stay healthy, leading to issues and discomfort within close-quarters Consumption housing
  • Live in large families sometimes referred to as “packs”, though solitary ruffnecks can be equally common
  • Chosen family is common due to communities in Consumption needing to be tight knit to survive
  • Packs can and often do welcome in members of other species
  • Both casual and committed relationships are equally valued
  • Leaving the family occurs whenever the pack determines the child to be ready to do so, typically once they hit adulthood
  • Lifespan of 80 years, full maturity reached at age 18-20
  • ????


  • Morphs take inspiration from wild dogs (such as wolves, coyotes, dingos, jackals, and African wild dogs), hyenas, thylacines, and occasionally domestic dogs
  • Mixed morph children tend to take on traits from both parents, such as facial shapes, tails, and ears
  • Deposits are often inherited from parents, though mutations can occur
  • Warriors were first morph
  • Ruffneck hybrids often inherit smoke production and deposits, as well as wispy fur and lighter colored pupils
  • Common mutations include increases in size, hunger, irritability, and energy level, claw growth, teeth growth, excess fur growth/shedding, deposit growth, smoke overproduction, extra eyes and tails, increase in hunting urges
  • ????


[Image: DvTLp3J.png]
  • Based on wolves/coyotes
  • First morph
  • Pointed ears
  • Neck fluff
  • Wispy fur
  • Wispy tails
  • Associated with Spit and Consumption

[Image: 2OOPLcv.png]
  • Based on jackals
  • Long, pointed ears
  • No neck fluff
  • Short fur
  • Long, tapered tail
  • Associated with Rein and Solitude

[Image: H23xFqF.png]
  • Based on thylacines
  • Rounded ears
  • Short neck fluff
  • Long, tapered tail
  • Short fur
  • Associated with Velvet and Whimsy

[Image: AKqDaSl.png]
  • Based on African wild dogs
  • Large, rounded ears
  • Neck fluff
  • Longer, wispy fur
  • Long, wispy tail
  • Associated with Hoopla and Wretch

[Image: UrL7FwC.png]
  • Based on hyenas
  • Pointed ears
  • Manes
  • Short tail
  • Scruffy fur
  • Associated with Grind and Precipice

[Image: vtuCFPs.png]
  • Based on domestic bulldogs
  • Folded ears
  • Ballistic gel segments all over body, particularly at joints
  • Deposits grow within gel, sometimes puncturing it
  • Short fur
  • Tapered tail
  • Associated with Wax and Hearth
  • Commissioned by @Pichi2214


This is a species development thread! Here you can have discussion on the species presented, and offer suggestions/ideas for developing them- thus directly contributing to the species! Anything is fair game so long as it follows the restrictions (if any are listed). This main post will be updated as we go, allowing for people to always have an up to date resource on the species. 

  • Keep it SFW!!!!

RE: [SPECIES DEVELOPMENT] RUFFNECKS - Shifter55 - 12-22-2019

Is the gel on Bullistics related at all to synovial fluid and cavities? Given the deposits forming in it I hope it's easy and painless to remove them.