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[SPECIES DEVELOPMENT] POCKITTS - skinstealer - 11-12-2019

[Image: Vweezp1.png]
[CW: very simple/brief mentions of reproduction (literally just a mention cmon now it's a SFW thread), cult/ritual mentions, child abuse mentions]


  • Originated in Whimsy
  • Created by Velvet in ????
  • "Roo" (name pending) morph created first
  • ????


  • Found spread throughout Taverne, primarily in Hearth, Wonder, and Solitude
  • Extremely low numbers in Consumption due to cult presence
  • Extremely close knit families
  • Family (and community in general) is one of the most important thing to pockitt cultures, be it by blood or chosen
  • Communities work together to support and raise the children within it
  • Abusing another person is seen as one of the worst crimes you could do, regardless of what kind it is 
  • Abusing children is considered particularly horrible, and is punished severely in pockitt-dominated communities
  • High numbers of Wax and Velvet worshipers
  • Middling numbers of Grind, Rein, Wane, and Alloy worshipers
  • Low numbers of Wretch worshipers
  • cult mentions 
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  • Physical disability and mental health conditions are very common among pockitts in Consumption, otherwise rate of disability/conditions is fairly standard
  • Pockitts enjoy hammocks and similarly enveloping sleeping situations, anything that can emulate a pouch
  • Special cloth accessories (not particularly unlike underwear) are made to help line a pockitt's inner pouch to keep things stored in it (and the pockitt themself) clean and safe
  • Books and stories hold special significance to pockitts thanks to Velvet's influence, and it is very common for a family/community to keep records of life and their history
  • Keepsakes are also highly valued due to the stories they can tell, and most pockitts are prone to forming collections of things that hold personal significance to them
  • Due to pockitts being shorter than most other Taverne species, special accommodations are made in buildings and transportation where they can be found (see: extra stairs/stepstools, cushions for seating, etc). Extra care goes into making sure these aren't demeaning/infantilizing in areas where pockitts are respected, in order to give them equal footing at whatever the scenario may be
  • Pockitts went through a traditional schooling structure in Whimsy, and tend to lean towards that if possible
  • Homeschooling however was equally viable, especially if a community had specific lessons and topics they wanted to teach a child (for example, how to survive in the desert for a community in Precipice)
  • Pockitts enjoy cozy homes with less open space than most, and are typically content squeezing larger numbers of pockitts into smaller spaces
  • Messing around with someone else's pocket is very rude and inappropriate! Don't do it!
  • Scars are considered an addition to someone's personal story, and are to be respected
  • To have one's pocket exposed is to show great trust with the people around them...or to have convenience in accessing its contents
  • Pockitts are capable of fighting with their teeth, claws, and tails
  • While not intimidating as other species in Taverne, pockitts are still very capable of holding their own in fights, and are not to be underestimated
  • Theater and literature are hugely valued forms of entertainment for pockitts, though many have found their way into television and cinema in order to tell stories through other mediums
  • Adventure and fantasy stories are most common due to Velvet's influence
  • Velvet is mourned regularly by those still worshiping her after her death, often with altars and offerings
  • Toys are considered very special for pockitts due to Velvet's influence
  • ????


  • Pockitts have very smooth, short fur covering their bodies
  • Manes and hair both share "geometric" shapes, forming in large angular chunks
  • Markings are similarly geometric, if present
  • Typically neutral colors with color accents (if any)
  • Pockitt voices are composed of melodic squeaks, hisses, and soft growls
  • No paw pads
  • Tails vary based on morph, but are typically thick, tapered, and very powerful
  • Hair is common, but not always present
  • Range from 3'6-5'6 for "normal" adult height range.
  • Clawed hands and feet
  • Digitigrade legs
  • Half of pockitts (see: life cycle) have pouches referred to as "pockets", typically (but not always) covered up by clothing
  • ????


  • Pockitts have skeletons, muscles, nerves, organs, and blood
  • Sharp, uniformly shaped/sized teeth (aside from the "quoll" morph, which has tusks)
  • Omnivorous with a preference towards meat
  • Average energy levels, but excellent stamina
  • Pupil-less eyes
  • No breast tissue
  • Express with exaggerated head movements when looking around (on an artistic/design level, this is to make up for lack of pupils), ears, facial expressions and tails
  • Ear shape varies based on pockitt morph, but upright are most common
  • Excellent hearing
  • Vision can be poor, leading to many pockitts needing glasses/contacts
  • Prone to sleeping in piles together where possible
  • Extremely defensive behaviors around danger, leaning more towards flight over fight
  • Lifespan is 80 years, reaches maturity at 18-20
  • ????


  • Reproduce sexually and have dimorphism, the biggest change being half of the population having pouches 
  • Pockitts give live birth and have 1-3 children per litter, referred to as kits
  • Kits are quieter than most other species' children, and tend to cluster together or remain near their parents/guardian figures
  • A kit raised without guidance often struggles more than other species, making proper child rearing crucial (by blood or otherwise)
  • Family structure varies hugely based on location and culture, but most rely on an overarching community vs just immediate blood relationships
  • As such, "family" can be applied to a very large group
  • Both casual and committed relationships are valued, though pockitts are often more prone towards the latter
  • Pockitts typically only leave their communities if they have a good reason to, and typically only in adulthood
  • ????


  • Inspired by lagomorphs, rodents, and marsupials
  • Mixed morph children often have a visible mix of traits, such as large ears and tusks on a "mouse"/"quoll" morph individual
  • Hybrid children are prone to inheriting the pocket (if applicable) gene, fur/hair shapes, and their tendency towards pupil-less eyes
  • "Roos" were the first morph created by Velvet
  • Animal basis is very flexible, anything that would fit the general feel of them goes
  • Common mutations include development of pupils, extra eyes, tusks/tusk growth, extra fur growth, tail growth, claw growth, size increase, hunger increase, emotional instability, paranoia, isolating tendencies, territorial urges
  • ????


[Image: GeecjRX.png]
  • Based on kangaroos
  • Typically have a fur ruff around the neck, but not always
  • Stocky builds
  • Thick, medium length tails
  • Middling sized ears
  • Associated with Velvet and Whimsy
  • First morph created
  • ????

[Image: JO5HYA6.png]
  • Based on mice
  • Smaller fur ruff around neck, if present
  • Thinner limbs
  • Large, rounded ears
  • Long, thin tails with a tuft at the end
  • Associated with Wonder
  • ????

[Image: zKp7fjR.png]
  • Based on possums
  • Fur ruff typically covers shoulders/parts of the back
  • Longer, tapered snouts
  • Smaller rounded ears
  • Bigger claws
  • Thick, long ribbed tails with fur at the base
  • Associated with Hoopla

[Image: tikRFc2.png]
  • Based on quolls
  • Spiky fur ruff around neck, if present
  • Longer snouts
  • Tusks
  • Thick tails
  • Thinner limbs
  • Associated with Consumption

[Image: tLBjT48.png]
  • Based on rabbits
  • Smaller fur ruff around neck if present
  • Long, pointed ears
  • Long claws, almost talonlike
  • Bobtail, entirely fluff
  • Associated with Solitude


This is a species development thread! Here you can have discussion on the species presented, and offer suggestions/ideas for developing them- thus directly contributing to the species! Anything is fair game so long as it follows the restrictions (if any are listed). This main post will be updated as we go, allowing for people to always have an up to date resource on the species. 

  • Keep it SFW!!!!