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[TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - Printable Version

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[TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-06-2019

I apologize for the sudden correspondence, but we have a bit of trouble on our hands. Something went wrong with our spawning equipment, and apparently with the amount of people thinking about and celebrating Darkest Night...wires got crossed, so to speak. We’ve had a massive influx of TCPs, all of them coming with costumes of all things, sometimes accessories as well...this is completely unprecedented, and to be honest, we’re overwhelmed. We need your help- if you can take in a TCP at your housing situation, we’d be grateful...or even just a referral to somewhere else, anything will help at this point. 

Attached is a form detailing information we need from you. Once we receive the form, either from you or someone you’ve referred, we’ll send information on the closest matching TCP pair. From there, you’ll pick the one that fits best, similar to how we did for your first housing candidate, and you can either pick them up or we’ll pay for their transportation. As long as these TCPs get homes, no charge is too great. 

One last thing… all of them spawned in groups of two (hence mention of pairs earlier) and seem to have visions of other places and their counterparts, almost as if they existed together in another life. We’ll send as much info as we can along with the TCP candidate info, but they seem to take the form of stories- at least, that’s how the TCP pairs tell them. Whether these stories are true has yet to be seen…

Thank you for your cooperation. We hope to hear back from you soon.

You need to have completed all of DN-1 in the TCP Research Initiative to enter this event. This research post will be active until November 9th, 2019.

Who is offering housing?
Are you new to our housing program? If you are new, include who referred you.
What kind of stories intrigue you?
What kind of stories do you fear, detest, or avoid?
The TCP you pick may want to keep in contact with the TCP they spawned with. How will you facilitate this?

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - knux400 - 10-07-2019

Who is offering housing?

Are you new to our housing program? If you are new, include who referred you.
I have utilized your services before.

What kind of stories intrigue you?
I enjoy stories about unusual or eventful circumstances, and how the people involved cope after the fact.

I enjoy seeing life in all its forms, and the kind of life that interests me the most is the kind that exists despite strange circumstances.

What kind of stories do you fear, detest, or avoid?
I do not have a dislike for any sort of story.

All stories are important- sometimes a story is more about the author than any of the characters.

The TCP you pick may want to keep in contact with the TCP they spawned with. How will you facilitate this?
My proxies can travel throughout Taverne and the surrounding areas, so maintaining contact with another TCP should be easy. I am also willing to accommodate both the TCP and its counterpart at once, should they choose to do so.

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-07-2019


The letter before you contains a story, complete with pictures of the TCP candidates.

[Image: t2lfm2I.png]
A long time ago, (somehow) before TCPs are said to have walked our planet, a lizard type named Brisk wandered alone in the desert sands, lost and without guidance long after the sun set. The chill set in quickly, and he found himself stumbling into the closest thing he could find as shelter, a forgotten ruin abandoned years upon years before. He lit a fire, desperate for the heat...but he found all of a sudden that he was not alone.

[Image: gCHhCum.png]
A corpse type, nearly undetectable in the shadows, loomed over him- was he lost? She was lost herself, climbed straight out of a grave...she left her tomb for only a moment, and everything seemed to get all mixed up. Now she couldn't find her way back to the resting place she called home, and wasn't sure where else to go. Not to mention, it was so cold...could she rest by the fire with him?

He agreed to her staying, asking only her name- she said that her name was Casket, and she was grateful for the chance...perhaps they could share stories together, under a truce. Who knows what tomorrow may bring...Casket admitted that she had the urge to hunt and chase travelers at times, but for now, they were peers.

The two spoke until the sun rose, their discussion lit by firelight. Many stories were swapped, no need to sleep, and upon the dawn's first light, they parted ways...only to be reunited now. 

Who do you choose?

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - knux400 - 10-07-2019

I choose Brisk. Thank you for this opportunity.

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-07-2019

[Image: t2lfm2I.png]
NAME: Brisk
TYPE: Lizard (Dimensional Anomaly)
HOUSING: Forceps
NOTES: Performs well in ability tests, though he appears to have a bias towards flame-based heat sources. Claims that such sources are more trustworthy and reliable, despite our insistence that shred-powered heating is just as efficient, if not safer. Prefers spicy food type products, has little need for rest and socializes with a bit of difficulty. Reserved and quiet, will take some time adjusting to a new environment. Wishes to wander the world again. Has posed little issue to staff aside from his insisting that he is from a past far before TCPs even existed. 

[You may now use Brisk for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about him- he is yours now!]

additional images:
[Image: TTORHqH.png][Image: PZfzR0S.png]

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - aeshihowl - 10-10-2019

1. Who is offering housing?

2. Are you new to our housing program? If you are new, include who referred you.
No; I am permanently housing Flicker, formerly Buzz.

3. What kind of stories intrigue you?
Fantasy adventure/dramas in particular, but most types of stories are fair game if well-written.

4. Why?
I have always had an interest in the whimsical and impossible, and who doesn't love the adrenaline of adventure and the passion of drama?

5. What kind of stories do you fear, detest, or avoid?
I avoid post-apocalyptic stories mostly.

6. Why?
They don't often catch my attention. I find them to be lackluster. 

7. The TCP you pick may want to keep in contact with the TCP they spawned with. How will you facilitate this?
I have a P.O. box in town. They can send each other letters and perhaps they could have sleepovers sometimes, should they wish.

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-10-2019

The letter before you contains a story, complete with pictures of the TCP candidates.

[Image: Otge1zT.png]
In the not so distant past, there lived a unicorn type by the name of Rosalyn, a fierce and headstrong knight. She took it upon herself to rid the world of TCPs gone terror- a rare sight, but a potentially devastating one. A protector of all wayward travelers, she kept her eyeball crest visible to show all who she encountered that she was capable of taking out even the most wretched of terrors. She was a solo operator, content to travel on her own...until she met a lost soul, more literally than she could ever expect.

[Image: ANYlkwD.png]

Upon her travels, she met a fairy ring type, but not just any fairy ring type- this one was dead, and ghostly at that! The only thing this nature type knew was hard to decipher....Rosalyn could not tell if the spectral TCP was giving a direction or their name. It was all she had to go on, so she dubbed the TCP North, and found that no matter how much she tried, she could not rid herself of her new travelling companion. The two took on terrors together from that point on...though North's role was more of a quiet supporter than anything.

Who do you choose?

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - aeshihowl - 10-10-2019

(Oh fuck me I love them both)

Rosalyn will fit in best with Flicker, I think, so I will select them. But should North be unable to find housing, I will accept them as well.

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-11-2019

[Image: AHz4tPs.png]

NAME: Rosalyn/Trophy
TYPE: Unicorn (Dimensional Anomaly)
NOTES: Performs well in ability tests, finding practical applications with ease. Has requested multiple times to be allowed to go hunting for terrors, even after our reassurance that there are no terrors in the area, and no need for such protection. Prefers bitter food type products, especially herbal ones. Has an above average energy level and does not tire easily, resists socialization and keeps to herself. Will take time to adjust to a new housing situation, and should not be placed with people who will limit her independence and freedom. Has shown some resistance with staff, but insists that it's for a greater good.

[You may now use Rosalyn/Trophy for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]

[Image: YAgphsn.png]

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - cosmo - 10-11-2019

Who is offering housing?
My name is Cranberry! I'm looking for someone to share rent with for my print studio... They can sleep there and will basically have the place to themself when I'm not making prints.

Are you new to our housing program? If you are new, include who referred you.
I am new! I've heard about it from other TCPs. 

What kind of stories intrigue you?
Hm, that's a hard question. I guess I like things that turn out differently than you'd expect; like somewhere that looks dangerous actually being safe or someone who could be dangerous doing their best to treat people with kindness.

It's just fun! It reminds you that you can't assume things are bad just because they look like they might be. There's goodness in the world too!

What kind of stories do you fear, detest, or avoid?
Stories about monsters going on a rampage.

Uh, personal reasons. Due to typing. : o/

The TCP you pick may want to keep in contact with the TCP they spawned with. How will you facilitate this?
There's a library in a nearby colony with computers!

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-11-2019

The letter before you contains a story, complete with pictures of the TCP candidates.

[Image: r7egqT6.png]
In a past not too far before our own, there existed a witch by the name of Ender, a divination type with a mastery of scraps relating to the cosmos. Star scraps, nebula scraps, all rare and beautiful treasures, found only after meteor showers and eclipses. Ender used these scraps to help light their way as they travelled through the woods at night, lit by personal starlight. She was a simple person, content to collect and care for the celestial soul fragments, and did not expect much of her life. She had no plans to get involved in any trouble at all, but it befell her all the same...

Show ContentSpoiler:
Upon coming across a swamp one night, Ender found herself trapped in the murk, all the way up to her waist. She couldn't get free or get ahold of her scraps, terrified of the possibility of them sucked away forever. Terrified, she called out for help, again and again, to no avail...until a beast began to emerge from the swamp mud, one leg at a time. They unfolded with a clumsy motion, muck and vines covering their form- they were an arachnophobia type, but a strange, swamp monster as well. Ender was scared by the TCP's frightening appearance, but saw no other option- she pleaded for the spider's help. She braced for the worst, only to be lifted up without hesitation, placed safely on the swamp bank.

She was astounded, the arachnophobia type even brushing muck off of her, introducing themself as Shock. It was lonely here in the swamp, and they never got too many travellers...it was nice to see another face, even if it was only for a moment. After all, she had places to go, far away from a beast like themself. Ender felt a pang of guilt for judging the spider so quickly, apologizing for her initial fear. Perhaps it wouldn't be too bad, setting up camp here for the night...

Who do you choose?

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - cosmo - 10-11-2019

i’d like shock thanks! =D

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-11-2019

Show ContentSpoiler:
NAME: Shock
TYPE: Arachnophobia (Dimensional Anomaly)
HOUSING: Cranberry
NOTES: Refuses to use ability during testing, even when presented with rewards. Insists that they do not want to be a force to be feared, and that inducing its typing in people would be an act of cruelty towards a harmless species. Misses the swamp they claim to have come from greatly, and is most comfortable lounging damp places. Prefers crunchy food type products, has lower than average energy levels, and is not prone to seeking out social interaction. Will do well in a compassionate and informal housing situation, and will need a place where they won't be judged for their typing- this upsets them more than anything. Has good behavior with staff, no infractions.

[You may now use Shock for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about them- they are yours now!]

Show ContentSpoiler:

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - Clockwork Citrus - 10-11-2019

 Who is offering housing?

Are you new to our housing program? If you 
are new, include who referred you.
Yes I am new! Uh so this guy sharp point sent a letter to my friend canary who sent it to me. 

What kind of stories intrigue you?
Ones with a bit of horror, emotion and some sadness

Because I find it relatable and makes me feel things
What kind of stories do you fear, detest, or avoid?
Ones that are sugar coated and too sweet and full of happiness 
Because life isn’t like that and I feel like everyone has heard those stories before, something new and moving is more my style
The TCP you pick may want to keep in contact with the TCP they spawned with. How will you facilitate this?
Well I live on fallows island, but there is boats. And we can send mail and boats!

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-12-2019

@clockwork citrus

The letter before you contains a story, complete with pictures of the TCP candidates.

[Image: GFGdaxA.png]
One tale in your area speaks of a Darkest Night gone wrong, centered around an unfortunate event befalling two TCPs...the victim of said event, Mancer, was a salamander type who wanted nothing more than to see the stars at night with their best friend. They were warned over and over about the dangers of going out into the woods, even with someone as imposing as their companion, but they insisted- this was what they wanted most, and they would get it no matter what.

[Image: dxITm2Y.png]
Their best friend, a claw type by the name of Pantomime, was far more nervous than the tiny salamander...she had the worst feeling about going out that night. After wandering through the woods for some time, looking for the best clearing to see the stars, she realized that the creeping dread had only gotten worse the deeper they got. Before long, Pantomime's head was full of dark thoughts, thoughts of hurting and even consuming her best friend...what happened next was left to legend, but the people whisper about the body type being possessed by evil spirits, ending the life of her friend and causing her to wander the world as a ghost, forever.

Who do you choose?

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - Clockwork Citrus - 10-13-2019

I’ll have mancer, I really hope that someone else gets Pantomime

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-15-2019

[Image: GFGdaxA.png]
NAME: Mancer
TYPE: Salamander (Dimensional Anomaly)
HOUSING: Seaglass
NOTES: Performs well on ability testing, though appears hesitant to interact with anyone without encouragement.  Claims to be deceased, at least in a past life, and seems very distressed that they cannot pass through walls or float. Extremely difficult to get them to eat food type products, but sweets have proven most successful. Has a lower than average energy level, and has to be coaxed into social interaction. Shows enthusiasm towards their interests despite their shyness, and can be easily swayed with the promise of seeing the stars. Would do well in an informal housing situation where they can feel safe. Good behavior with staff outside of a few incidents.

[You may now use Mancer for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about them- they are yours now!]

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - seppawku - 10-24-2019

Who is offering housing?

Are you new to our housing program? If you are new, include who referred you.

What kind of stories intrigue you?
Changelings, comings of age, items come to life with love or stories inside them. History. Psychological or baroque horror!!

I like hearing about things that matter to others! Changing through time or not forgetting the past, even if it's scary, because it means something. Artsy things! 

What kind of stories do you fear, detest, or avoid?
Chainmail, stories that you're meant to spread to hurt others. Jump scares. Ghosts or electronic demons

They can be fun too, but they don't have anything comforting to cling to - they're just paranoia-making. Looks over your shoulder too much

The TCP you pick may want to keep in contact with the TCP they spawned with. How will you facilitate this?
They're always welcome to come and visit! Otherwise letters or calling regularly - it'd be too lonely to cut off out of nowhere. I'd like to go and visit where the other TCP is housed too, if that's okay! It can be an adventure.

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-24-2019


The letter before you contains a story, complete with pictures of the TCP candidates.

[Image: bXZtA0C.png]
This story takes place when TCPs were new and learning the world around them, centuries ago...one OBJ type by the name of Mince was particularly lost in this new world, unable to find a place that fit them just right. Everywhere they went, there didn't seem to be a need for such a small and simple TCP. It wasn't until they discovered their powers, the ability to naturally manipulate scraps, that they felt like they had a purpose and a chance to fit in...only to be rejected by society at large. Mince wandered the world alone, their only companions the bits of soul they picked up along the way.

On one dark and stormy night on their travels, they discovered a mansion...

[Image: wRc5jhQ.png]
The mansion appeared empty and abandoned, making an ideal shelter for the night...only for Mince to find that there was in fact an owner, ominously looming over them as they entered. She introduced herself as Corpus, a touch type with class and elegance. Mince was intimidated by the TCP's large stature and how a TCP could obtain such a mansion, but Corpus lead them through the halls without a single threatening gesture, simply stating that she had longed for company for some time. There was just one problem...it was so dark here, and things lurked where she could not see. If only someone could help light the place...

Mince got right to work, using their scraps to keep the lanterns lit, banishing away the creatures of the night in exchange for a place to stay...and as it turns out, a wonderful companion.

Who do you choose?

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - seppawku - 10-24-2019

mince, please!!!

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - RudeBuster - 10-24-2019

Who is offering housing?

The name's Skippop!

Are you new to our housing program? If you are new, include who referred you.

I'm new! Tremor's the one who referred me.

What kind of stories intrigue you?

Mysteries, mostly. But not ones where I can guess the plot twist halfway through. And romance novels.


I like stories that make me think, and I can't think of anything better than puzzling over a mystery along with the protagonist of the novel I'm reading. And I just like romance because I'm a sap.

What kind of stories do you fear, detest, or avoid?

Dystopian/post apocalyptic novels with a romantic subplot, ESPECIALLY if it's a love triangle.


Where do I even begin? They're almost always poorly written, awkwardly shoved into what is otherwise a good plot, and it usually becomes the novel's main focus, especially if it gets a film version. Like I don't care if Generic Girl #500 meant to otherthrow the government is having a hard tine choosing between her childhood friend and a brooding loner, I want to read the good stuff! This is like, the only time I actually don't like reading romance.

The TCP you pick may want to keep in contact with the TCP they spawned with. How will you facilitate this?

Snail mail and online messaging is probably gonna be the best way to do it. If their buddy wants to come here, I can probanly arrange something safe for them.

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-24-2019

[Image: GDso1FQ.png]
NAME: Mince
TYPE: OBJ (Dimensional Anomaly)
NOTES: Performs well on ability testing, but seems to prefer working with their innate scrap sensitivity over aura work. Seems out of place with modern society and all that comes with it, and seems particularly startled by electronics. Prefers savory food type products, has an average energy level and socializes eagerly when given the chance. Seems confused that they are accepted in this "other world". Looks for new ways to use scraps frequently, and has come up with multiple puzzle solutions during our tests that we did not assume possible. Would do well in a housing situation where they can get socialization, no infractions with staff.

[You may now use Mince for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about them- they are yours now!]

[Image: UCqKoxI.png]

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - allhallowed - 10-25-2019

Who is offering housing?

Are you new to our housing program? If you are new, include who referred you.
I am new! Entropy recommended the program to me.

What kind of stories intrigue you?
I like stories about family.

I miss it.

What kind of stories do you fear, detest, or avoid?
I dislike stories in which the main character ends up isolated or alone.

I suppose I find the concept a bit scary. Definitely more "fear" than "detest" or "avoid."

The TCP you pick may want to keep in contact with the TCP they spawned with. How will you facilitate this?
By mail, electronic or otherwise. The TCP they spawn with may visit should they so choose; my career prevents me from travelling so my new... companion would have to visit Morbit unaccompanied should they wish to visit.

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-25-2019

The letter before you contains a story, complete with pictures of the TCP candidates.

[Image: dtMbHGJ.png]

Once upon a time, a heartache type named Creature lived alone in the woods, hiding away from everyone. It was scared of peoples judgments, fearing its presence would only bring sorrow to those around it. It made masks out of whatever fabrics it could find, hiding its face away. No one could convince the TCP to rejoin society again, all pleas met with refusal and self-doubt. Creature assumed it would never find another friend, not ever...
[Image: K2bZwWM.png]
A dragon type, hearing of Creature's plight, approached its hut one day. She said that she was a friend, to which Creature did not believe her- how could someone befriend such a horrible thing such as itself? The dragon insisted, saying that her name was Regal, and that she wanted to share something with it. Creature hesitantly approached the other TCP, watching as the dragon pulled out a beautiful set of instruments, all different kinds. She asked what kind it would like her to play a song with, and Creature couldn't choose- she chose a flute, removing her own mask and playing the most beautiful melody. Creature realized it had never seen or heard or experienced someone so lovely in any form, and its heart ached even more than ever, bringing it to tears. Regal stopped playing and gave the heartache type a hug, saying that if it wanted, she could stay and take care of it until it felt better...or for however long it wanted.

Who do you choose?

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - RudeBuster - 10-26-2019

I'll take Regal, please!

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-26-2019

[Image: K2bZwWM.png]
NAME: Regal
TYPE: Dragon (Dimensional Anomaly)
HOUSING: Skippop
NOTES:  Performs well on ability testing, and seems to be drawn to hoarding great piles of instruments. The kind of instruments does not seem to matter- anything that can be used to make music (or in general, noise) is deemed suitable. Prefers meat-based food type products, has a high energy level and socializes readily. Has adjusted to this "new world" with ease, and does not feel much hesitation towards a new housing situation outside of the distance between her and Creature, her spawned partner. No issues with staff, aside from minor noise complaints.

[You may now use Regal for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]

[Image: YvjvzTU.png]

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 10-27-2019

The letter before you contains a story, complete with pictures of the TCP candidates.

[Image: Waaict8.png]
No one can say where this story takes place, but it starts with a quilt type named Hannah, tasked with guarding a farm's crops from hungry beasts. Hannah was a dedicated TCP, settling into her role as scarecrow far more seriously than anyone expected her to- she insisted on stuffing straw underneath her quilt, and patching herself up with autumn colors whenever a bird pecked away at her fabric. It was a simple job, but it was hers, and it was mundane...until one day.

[Image: zgyjNYe.png]
A strange TCP showed up in Hannah's fields without warning, dazed and staggering around- it introduced itself as Nickel, but that was all it knew about itself. It was a vessel type, and claimed that its soul was that of an angel- Hannah believed them immediately, despite not knowing much about angels in the first place. After all, it had a fancy halo, and that had to mean something special. Hannah showed it all around the farm, telling Nickel all she knew about the world. It was such a big place, and her understanding of it was very simple, but the two became fast friends, and they couldn't imagine a world without the other.

Who do you choose?

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - allhallowed - 10-27-2019

After much consideration, I choose Nickel.

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 11-05-2019

[Image: eGsQCmN.png]
NAME: Nickel
TYPE: Vessel (Dimensional Anomaly)
HOUSING: Afterglow
Performs well on ability testing, though it already appears to have a soul locked into its body, and refuses to exchange it for another. States that this soul came from another world, and belongs to an angel- tests remain inconclusive as to whether this is actually the case. Prefers mild/bland food type products, has a low energy level and prefers not to socialize. Has trouble adjusting to its new life, especially due to the fact that it doesn't have any special powers beyond the standard vessel type ability. No issues with staff, aside from a lot of questions about this "new world".

[You may now use Nickel for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about it- it is yours now!]
[Image: 0E5ILqI.png]

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - AceOfNothing - 11-13-2019

Who is offering housing?

My name is Akane Beake, please refer to me as Beake.

Are you new to our housing program? If you are new, include who referred you.

I am new, my cousin Lumikki referred me to this. They says I need some sort of research partner. They won’t answer me now that I’m sending this in though, very typical of them.

What kind of stories intrigue you?

Adventure stories, survival stories, psychological thrillers, anything that keeps me guessing. Somewhat realistic fiction mostly, although fantasy isn’t completely off the table.


I like anything that can make me think. I like second guessing myself and having to look things over and see if I missed something. I like having to keep notes on things to try and keep the story straight. I don’t like putting books down once I’ve picked them up, I probably will abandon them then.

What kind of stories do you fear, detest, or avoid?

I detest romance stories or anything too pandering. I’m not too interested in comedy honestly. I am not afraid of anything too... relevant.


It’s boring? It’s stupid? Our media is so full of romance and light “fluffy cute things” that I get tired of it. Give me something that makes me think for once.

The TCP you pick may want to keep in contact with the TCP they spawned with. How will you facilitate this?

They’ll have access to the internet, or they’ll be able to send letters. They’ll be busy though with our work here, so hopefully they aren’t too distracted by missing the other tcp. I don’t see many people here either.

On the application, a note is attached. “Lumikki said I should mention that scrap sensitivity isn’t required, but would likely help, especially with my work. They also said to mention my species, I’m sure you’re aware of the skeletal balloon animal species here in Luxson. I... think most weapons would not be a wise choice for me.”

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 11-14-2019

The letter before you contains a story, complete with pictures of the TCP candidates.

[Image: InmjLsb.png]
In a stormy port town just west of Solitude's capital, a pair of twin types worked as detectives- Tally, the supposed "older" twin ran their modest agency, while Tori, the "younger" twin, managed records and kept track of cases and clues. The two were famous in their area, solving any case put on their doorstep- no matter how strange or bizarre. Once people started disappearing after particularly bad storms, the two were thrust into a case beyond what they could have ever expected...
[Image: l07x8CX.png]
The pair's research took them far and wide, a frantic search that finally found them at a cove's entrance, far from their home. Tally and Tori approached with their nerves fraught, terrified of what they might find- only to be greeted readily by a strange TCP, only barely recognizable as a bastard type, as soon as they entered. She introduced herself as Maiden, assured them not to worry, and welcomed them into her cove- this was where she lived, and even though it wasn't much to look at, she liked it very much. She lead the pair to a table and told them she'd bring out some snacks, she had just the thing. The twins began to relax, noting the lovely decor around the cove- where on earth does someone get all of these things so far away from society? Perhaps their research had gone astray somewhere, this couldn't be right...

Maiden hummed a little tune as she returned to the table, and only when she placed a TCP's head on the table, still alive, did the twins realize that their research had lead them straight to this unexpected siren's lair, and that they may never return.

Who do you choose?

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - AceOfNothing - 11-14-2019

I'll have to pick Maiden, she can hold her own and I doubt anything will truly haunt her. But I do hope those two made it out.... well maybe I do.

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 11-14-2019

[Image: l07x8CX.png]
NAME: Maiden
TYPE: Bastard (Dimensional Anomaly, Designer Modifier)
Performs well on ability tests, much to the research team's distress. Those affected by her aura are sometimes drawn to "modifying" other living things, typically in ways that harm them...we are unable to determine whether this is an ability anomaly or just a result of her strange fixation on body modification. Prefers slimy food type products, has high energy levels and appears very social, though she has issues making friends due to aforementioned fixation. Will need a patient and tolerant housing situation, and ideally someone who can help channel her interests for good. Many infractions with staff- do not hand off to anyone who cannot handle her.

[You may now use Maiden for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]

[Image: SrubzBc.png]
[Image: FbQp4Bk.png]

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - Pichi2214 - 12-30-2019

Who is offering housing?
I am a lesser god from Tale, I currently live in the countryside of Daydream. My domains are indecisiveness and identity... hence the lack of a proper name.

Are you new to our housing program? If you are new, include who referred you.
I am new to the housing program, I was told about this by my friend Floof who already found homes for a bunch of the little cats. 

What kind of stories intrigue you?
I am very fond of stories about soulmates, who manage to find each other and take care of each other, helping each other to be the best versions of themselves and discover who they truly are, even if the world may try to keep them apart.
So stories about dear friends and finding your own identity.

I am generally intrigued by how people figure themselves out and enjoy seeing them be happy with how they present themselves and what they do, probably partially due to my own domain it's just kinda... something I've always been thinking about a lot.
And for the soulmate part... I personally like to believe that there are people out there that will be there for me through all my struggles and for which I'd to the same in a heartbeat. So... I am kinda on my own quest of finding someone... or multiple someones... that are that special to me.

What kind of stories do you fear, detest, or avoid?
Stories about needless suffering, I fully understand that bad things will happen throughout stories... but just seeing the characters be miserable again and again without any good thing happening is something I can't stand.

I feel like it is kind of self explanatory. But I'll try to write a bit of an explanation anyway... I connect to characters in stories usually quite quickly, and while I enjoy a story that puts its characters through obstacles, when things just get worse and worse I just feel bad for the people in the story... I don't like when it feels like there won't be any hope anymore.

The TCP you pick may want to keep in contact with the TCP they spawned with. How will you facilitate this?
I would try to figure out where the other TCP is and at the very least set up communication with them, if possible I would also let them move in with us! If that isn't an option though I would love to arrange frequent visits or anything else that lets them keep each others company as best as they can.

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 03-08-2020

The letter before you contains a story, complete with pictures of the TCP candidates.

[Image: rlNa7Cj.png] 
The people of Fallow's Island were no stranger to knights, but a particular apple type named Mac caught many towns' attentions- they claimed to be a terror slayer, capable of felling even the mightiest terror with a single blow, despite their small size. Whether these legends were true were hard to confirm, but...some whispered of their true nature.  
[Image: Gwn8sMN.png]
Maypole, a hair type, lived alone in the jungle, her fearsome appearance making all who came across her to believe she was a terror. Many people came to Mac asking them to slay her, fearing for their lives...only for the apple type to fall in love on first sight. Maypole was beautiful to them, their teeth and wings only making them feel secure in her arms.  The two ran away from the village and into the night, travelling together as an odd but loving pair.

Who do you choose?

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - Pichi2214 - 03-08-2020

I will keep Maypole... I hope to one day reunite the two of them again.

RE: [TCPDEX RP EVENT] Darkest Night 2019 - skinstealer - 03-13-2020

[Image: Gwn8sMN.png]
[Image: i3WlVDU.png]
NAME: Maypole
TYPE: Hair (Dimensional Anomaly)
Performs average on ability tests, with no particular leanings towards success or failure. Seems to find her ability without purpose, and takes no inspiration in our suggestions.  Prefers savory food type products, has low energy levels and is fairly introverted, preferring the company of her dimensional partner or a few close friends. Will need a housing situation that permits communication with her companions to avoid isolation and distress, as being on her own may be frightening. No infractions with staff, good behavior.

[You may now use Maypole for TCPdex RPs! You are welcome to customize/change any details about her- she is yours now!]