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[OOC/AU] Critter-specific Roleplay - Printable Version

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RE: [OOC/AU] Critter-specific Roleplay - Pichi2214 - 02-10-2023

did not have the energy to read up on all the areas cause thats A Lot of text, but oooh...... id love to join a deep ocean explorer team if that ever happens (im guessing ace would be interested in that too, so we could Probably get something going there at some point :o)

RE: [OOC/AU] Critter-specific Roleplay - skinstealer - 02-10-2023

hmmm perhaps our system could make a critter who specializes in submarines....probably still want someone else to LEAD the undersea exploration because that sounds like something other people would do a better job with creating scenarios for but i like the idea of a little submarine engineer

RE: [OOC/AU] Critter-specific Roleplay - Ignispark - 02-10-2023

I'm not sure if they'd be a good leader yet bc they're very work in progress,

but i think i'll be tempted to give whoever i make the silly 'danger explorer who likes exploring things that may or may not be a good idea' a self-given title thats a bunch of words like

Elsevast, the Effervescent Scribe of Ventures into the Unknown Details Abound and Well-Regarded In Choice of Hats

RE: [OOC/AU] Critter-specific Roleplay - skinstealer - 02-10-2023

okay, got 3 shops done. only one of them takes guild tickets currently and it will be EXPENSIVE but i think it could be a lot of fun

RE: [OOC/AU] Critter-specific Roleplay - skinstealer - 02-10-2023

double posting because im very cool but i hope yall like involved + personal roleplaying experiences in exchange for forum cash

RE: [OOC/AU] Critter-specific Roleplay - skinstealer - 02-10-2023

okay, i dont have a Big Intro Post done but i think im gonna start setting stuff up anyway, we can figure that out later and everyone involved already knows the gist. gimme a little, sorry to forum bot in advance

RE: [OOC/AU] Critter-specific Roleplay - skinstealer - 02-10-2023


go nuts

RE: [OOC/AU] Critter-specific Roleplay - Wilds - 02-12-2023

HYPED. When I'm at home and in a better mental place for writing I am going to go nuts.

RE: [OOC/AU] Critter-specific Roleplay - skinstealer - 02-22-2023

hmmm trying to think of casual RP prompts thatd be fun for people...what kind of stuff are people itching to do?

RE: [OOC/AU] Critter-specific Roleplay - Ignispark - 02-25-2023

so for space, a few questions

>do critters need like, a spacesuit? for safety in vacuum? is space a vacuum? does it vary by part of space?
>i imagine critters need to eat/breathe/drink/maintain reasonable temp? right? or does it vary?

RE: [OOC/AU] Critter-specific Roleplay - skinstealer - 02-25-2023

for spacesuit it depends, i imagine it varies based on species (so like, cosmonauts wouldnt need them probably)
yep they need to eat/drink/breathe, temperature varies!