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Just a Passing Assassin... - Printable Version

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RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Lilium Mortem - 06-05-2022

A firm hand on their shoulder should do the trick without getting to intimate. other questions, if this is venom and soul fuckery, would killing the beast help at all? not that I think we should, I just want to know our options. also have you tried contacting any authorities to deal with the issue? bounty hunters? exterminators?

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 06-05-2022

No time to think. Hand on face.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Ignispark - 06-05-2022

Hand contact seems like a safe bet, maybe trying to lead into a dance or something so the time hand holding is a bit cooler looking would work?

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 06-08-2022

You instinctively go for a hand directly on the face.

Cabinetta squeaks in surprise.

The others are holding back laughter.

Oh god you’re fumbling it completely.

You try to save face by shifting to holding her hand.

[Image: 984131357968044062_unknown.png]

Spiral: There we go, that seems better.

[Image: 984130771369484318_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: B-Better for what?

Spiral: Just need you to keep contact for a bit. Seems like the best spot.

Cabinetta: Ah, right...

You try leading this into a dance. The spider is clearly a little flustered at first but manages to get into the flow of it.

You’re both surprisingly good actually.


Cabinetta: I haven’t done something like this in so long, is this really part of the process?

Spiral: Mmhmm..

Cabinetta: I like it..

You keep it going as best you can until finally…


Spiral: And done.

You pull your hand away, Cabinetta reluctantly lets go.

[Image: 984131012063809566_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Ah, already?

Cabinetta: That was quite nice.. Even if I’m not entirely sure how it works. Been a good while since I’ve had such levity with the monster in town.

Cabinetta: But.. that’s just me getting distracted.

[Image: 965138975029338122_unknown.png]

Fiddle: Mm, we should get back to business as fun as that was.

[Image: 965010223850991686_unknown.png]

Steady: Yeah, what they said.

Cabinetta: Of course.

Spiral: So um, it’s venom AND soul fuckery? Would killing the beast help?

Cabinetta: Yes actually, if we could take it down we could save some of the people who’ve been left in a dormant state. We could also make an antidote out of the venom.

Spiral: What about calling outside help? Authorities, bounty hunters?

Cabinetta: Yes well… we have a radio to keep in contact with folks, we worked out a deal with nearby hotels and truckstops to take them in while we resolve things but… authorities don’t have the supernatural expertise. Bounty Hunters are a little difficult to get right now, not a single knight for 100 kilometers, and our own town’s hunter is doing his best but it’s wearing him down…

[Image: 964879946751287366_unknown.png]

Steady: Hunter?

Fiddle: The old man I talked to earlier I presume?

Cabinetta: Mmhmm! We were once enemies but we’ve become good friends over the years. His talents in fighting anything from devils to ghosts to curses is top notch but he’s aging, and that creature is too slippery for one person.

Cabinetta: I’ve been trying to radio for anyone who could help him and people outside have looked around but nobody is skilled nor brave enough…

Cabinetta: I have might of my own but its abilities shut me down quite a bit.

[Image: 984132829824827412_unknown.png]

She’s quite visibly upset at this point, hands shaking a little.

Cabinetta: I’m sorry, it’s just so.... If you could really help our town I welcome you to use any of my assets.

Cabinetta: Even if you know someone just... I know I shouldn't put that on you but if you really do...

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Ignispark - 06-08-2022


1. Defeating the beast seems like a good idea, if it seems feasible, as it'd probably help the return target and assist in teleporting out of the area. (Maybe also plan for trying to scan it if possible?)

2. It'd be a good idea to ask about what Cabinetta has on hand that could be relevant and generally asking her about any ideas as far as combating the beast goes. things that have been tried before, things that seem to be useful, etc.

3. If possible, talking to the Hunter sounds like a good idea as well.

in any case strategizing and like, trying to organize information on how this could be approached seems ideal.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - MarxzVulpez - 06-09-2022

Oh yeah, we're happy to help! 

we should also ask what this town terrorizer looks like, and ye, let's try to get in contact with the hunter for tips and information on it

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 06-09-2022

Well, we came here to help our colleague, and if it takes taking down a monster to do it, that's fine by me. Plus, we're the closest things to bounty hunters you're probably gonna get. I'd feel bad not doing anything about it.

Let's ask Steady and Fiddle if they're alright with that though, just to check.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 06-10-2022

[Image: 964880435484196884_unknown.png]
 Spiral: Honestly defeating the beast might be the best idea, we got no way to get out safely until we do and I‘d feel bad abandoning everyone…

You look over at your allies.

Spiral: What do you two think?

[Image: 965138975029338122_unknown.png]

Fiddle: If it saves our comrade, I’d gladly do so.

[Image: 964879946751287366_unknown.png]

Steady: Wouldn’t feel right not to help. Know it’s not the job we’re here for but it’s honestly the right thing to do.

Fiddle: Mm… plus we might find ourselves with a hefty bonus for scanning a creature of its nature. If we ever encounter more, having data on that will keep people safe. Cures to the ailments it inflicted and analysis on how to counter it.

Spiral: I was about to ask actually…

Steady: I mean it’s all part of our research right?

Spiral: Right.. Would talking to the local hunter be helpful? What’s this thing look like?

[Image: 982166505041055794_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: It could be but I would insist on going with you, I’m capable of cloaking others from the creature for short instances.

Cabinetta: As for its appearance, it’s able to disguise itself akin to an octopus and circles you with an exposed limb like a shark. It drags you down into a void where it attempts to claim you. It despises light however. There are some who’ve filled their basements with the brightest light possible to avoid its approach during the early nights.

Cabinetta: With that said, night becomes increasingly longer the more it’s in town…

Spiral: And uh… assets? Prior efforts? Let's talk about strategy.

Cabinetta: It hates fire and light seems to irritate it but it’s been difficult creating a good situation to pin it down because it can flee into its own personal void. It straight up refuses to show up during the day…

[Image: 982167032994873384_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Unfortunately I haven’t been very useful. It creates a natural frost  around itself and my kind is incredibly weak to such… the cold will cause us to eventually go to sleep. The hunter refused to accept my assistance after it became an issue when attempting to combat that.

Cabinetta: In general cold blooded creatures don’t fare well against it. Hopefully none of you are…

Cabinetta: As for assets? We have a selection of arms, transmission devices, first aid, alchemy, and medicines. A handful of artifacts for those who have a handle of the mystic.

Cabinetta: I also can offer you food and bed if it takes some time so… you should be safe here.

Cabinetta: And a library! I don’t know how many of you enjoy a good book but… the option is there.

Steady: That’s a ton to offer, you’re cool with that?

Cabinetta: Mm… I want this town to return to normal and I also do not mind others staying here. To be honest I quite miss having people around.

Cabinetta: Besides, I could do with more friends. My assistant is wonderful but likes to keep to himself.

Cabinetta: B-But enough of that ramble, if you really wish to help us my castle is yours as well. Anything you need.

[Image: 982852938638721084_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: It would mean the world right now...

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 06-10-2022

Ooooh I'm interested in the Alchemy and the Artifacts, we've dabbled a little in the mystic ourselves. Should we go hunting for scraps tomorrow morning?

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Lilium Mortem - 06-10-2022

alright, what equipment/teqnuiqes do we have that involve fire and/or light? Cabinetta are any of your mistic doo dads fire or light related? Fiddle, Steady, do either of you have a way of combatting the cold for Cabinetta? do you think the hunter would come with us to kill this thing? (also is this body cold blooded?)

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Ignispark - 06-11-2022

Nabbing some tinder, a torch, oil, or something else to have on hand and something to light it seems like a good idea to nab some nonmagical flame bits and bobs while we're prepping for stuff. Also maybe ask the others if they have any experience/knowledge related to how to deal with entities that can scurry into their own spaces? Maybe like, trying to entrap it somehow or otherwise. restrict its movement could be useful?

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 06-11-2022

[Image: 964880435484196884_unknown.png]
 Spiral: I’d actually be interested in messing with alchemy and artifacts! I’ve dabbled in the mystic before..

[Image: 982852938638721084_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Really? That’s actually wonderful to know, solutions to situations like these often require equally supernatural measures. At least that’s what I’ve been told many times in life.

Spiral: You mentioned light and fire are things it’s weak against as well? The creature?

Cabinetta: Mm..

Spiral: Anything of sorts that could assist?

Cabinetta: Scrap magic, I imagine you’re familiar with such… perhaps a potion could ignite it but we’d need to work on a mechanism to release it safely.

[Image: 965138975029338122_unknown.png]

Fiddle: I could work on something if you cook something up. Perhaps an explosive or spray. I'm a bit of a tinkerer myself.

[Image: 964695206588989500_unknown.png]

Steady: I don’t got much on me unfortunately but I’m down to be the one to put it into motion.

Fiddle: You are quick on your feet and you have a strong arm.. This gives me ideas.

Fiddle: It would come down to what type of risks we face.

[Image: 984132829824827412_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: You want to be able to escape being grappled, and you need to avoid being in contact too long or it’ll freeze you alive. Fiend bodies are especially weak which has repeatedly hindered my ability to stand up to it for long periods. The hunter has had to bail me out on occasion… I feel bad when it does happen.

Cabinetta: As mentioned, cold blooded folks are especially at risk.

You take a moment to place a hand on your wrist.

Steady: What’s up?

[Image: 964880435484196884_unknown.png]

Spiral: Just checking something..

[Image: 984130771369484318_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: May I help?

Spiral: Mm.

She takes a moment to check. She pressed a clawed finger down, pinching but not enough to break skin.

Cabinetta: Mm.. you’re of irregular nature. Cold-Blooded but actually quite weather resistant. Are you modified?

Spiral: Think so.

[Image: 965138975029338122_unknown.png]

Fiddle: How can you tell such out of curiosity?

Cabinetta: My kind is capable of feeding on the blood and life force of others. I’m a bit of an expert on the subject even if it’s somewhat infrequent. Sometimes I can manage a donation from town in exchange for assisting the people but it’s been a good while since I’ve drank and I’ve run out of reserves… Don't suppose you're carrying extra.

Cabinetta: We do not need Blood to survive but it allows us to be capable of incredible feats and powers beyond the average person. It’s also difficult to wean off of it when you drink it somewhat regularly like myself.

[Image: 982167032994873384_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: But anyway.. Yes, I am a bit of an expert on the subject.

[Image: 964879566088851456_unknown.png]

Steady: Like a wine taster but scarier... or maybe cuter if you're into that..?

Cabinetta: I suppose...

Spiral: So will I be fine?

Fiddle: Should be, in the way a modified crop would survive the winter.

[Image: 965140920519503892_unknown.png]

Steady: Like a potato. Snake Potato… Snake. Snotato…

Fiddle: No… though that does make me ponder how we can protect ourselves from outright freezing overtime. Well.. I’m pretty sure I’d be immune but the three of you..

Steady: I mean I can keep out of reach.

[Image: 964880435484196884_unknown.png]

Spiral: I’ll be careful… but what about Cabinetta?

Cabinetta: I will simply have to pick and choose how I approach this fight I think. We can see if the hunter has anything in the morning. I’d rather not walk out right now…

Spiral: Will he help us?

Cabinetta: He should, though if he finds any of you inexperienced he may be hesitant to work with you… That said he can always use a hand in setting traps.

[Image: 967129783966265414_unknown.png]

Spiral: Ah... I was about to actually ask, is there a way to slow it down? Impede its movement?

Cabinetta: He’d be the expert at this point. He tends to keep his fingers away from magic unless it’s really needed so he’s quite good at making the most of analog tools and weapons.

Cabinetta: It seems early to rest and it’s best to prepare during the day when it’s unlikely to attack. If you’d like to join me in the fireplace with a hot drink or explore around until bedtime do say, I’m more than glad to. When it’s time for bed my assistant will help you to your guest rooms.

Cabinetta: I’m also open to any other ideas so long as they’re within reason. Make the most of what time you have to relax before the long day or prep.

[Image: 965138975029338122_unknown.png]

Fiddle: I may look in your library if that's alright.

[Image: 965140920519503892_unknown.png]

Steady: I wouldn't mind something to drink right now.

The spider turns to you. 

Cabinetta: And yourself? 

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Lilium Mortem - 06-11-2022

Got any games?

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 06-12-2022

[Image: 964880435484196884_unknown.png]
 Spiral: Yeah, you got any games?

[Image: 984130771369484318_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Games? Certainly! I haven’t had anyone ask me for those in quite a bit honestly….

Cabinetta: Board games, playing cards, electronic ones… I’ve done a few of those tabletop ones in the past but I don’t imagine we have time for a session right now.

[Image: 965140920519503892_unknown.png]

Steady: When you say electronic, do you mean video games?

Cabinetta: Mm.. there’s a number of cabinets in town that I participated in and a scene for them as well. I have a few games of my own here as well actually…

Cabinetta: My assistant makes fun of me for being into them but he’ll join in too sometimes…

Cabinetta: Admittedly though many of them are more old fashioned. The 3D space is somewhat difficult for me to grasp, though there’s a multiplayer first person one that has caught my attention for its more gothic aesthetics…

Cabinetta: There’s also a few more fist fighty games that the people in town have made me appreciate. Some of them are co-op while others are directly player against player oriented. There’s a recent 3D one among those that I picked up as well… weapon based and spooky.

Cabinetta: There’s a couple of racing ones I like too…

Cabinetta: And one that’s quite relaxing involving taking care of a village of sort, although we’d need seperate setups and I can’t imagine you brought yours…

Cabinetta: As for card and board games I have anything you could think of. I’m fairly good at chess actually! And with cards I’ve got a good grip of anything from blackjack to spades.

Cabinetta: I’m… a bit of a colletor actually… the hunter was often my opponent in some of these but he’s been unable to sit down for a game for a bit..

[Image: 984132829824827412_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: I think I’ve rambled on a bit much at this point though..

Steady: You’re fine dude.

Cabinetta: Are you sure? I went off for a good while..

Spiral: Mm. I asked you the question right?

Cabinetta: Of course… does anything catch your interest? We could do something else too if none of it does but admittedly it's appealing rght now...


RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Lilium Mortem - 06-12-2022

Pick something interesting, I'm down for anything.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 06-16-2022

Do you have any story rich games with long combo moves and buck-wild character deisgn that we could play together, mayhaps?

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 06-25-2022

[Image: 990316992793817118_unknown.png]
 Spiral: Pick something interesting, I’m down.

[Image: 984132829824827412_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: That’s so broad, there's a lot of things I think are interesting..

Spiral: Hmm well...

You think back to the types of games you played in life.

Spiral: Maybe something story rich with fancy long combo moves and buck-wild character designs?

Cabinetta: Well… there’s certainly something.

Cabinetta: My assistant makes fun of me for a game I’ve been quite fond of lately but…

Cabinetta: I do have something. It’s only designed for one person to play at a time though…

[Image: 964695206588989500_unknown.png]

Steady: Wouldn’t mind watching for a bit while we talk personally.

Cabinetta: Mm, and we can take turns. I should start a new file I think, otherwise you’d be missing a lot of context.

Spiral: Sounds good honestly.

Cabinetta: Follow me then…

[Image: 965138975029338122_unknown.png]

Fiddle: What of me?

Cabinetta: Ah, right! My assistant shall be here for you shortly, hope you do not mind waiting.

Fiddle: Not in a rush for anything no..

Cabinetta: They’ll be here anytime now to check up on your friend, we’ve been doing our best to take care of them.

Fiddle: Mm.. Thank you.

Fiddle: All of you have fun for now, and catch me up on any details before bed.

Steady: Easy.

Spiral: Mm.

Cabinetta: Absolutely, I do hope your evening research goes well…

You give the construct a little wave as the spider leads you around the castle.

Admittedly you’re a bit overwhelmed. It's massive and maze-like and you swear you've seen the same vase several times now

Eventually you come across a cozy room with a television setup and shelves filled with media. Films, books, and unsurprisingly games both of the analog and digital variety. She walks up ahead to fiddle with the fireplace, setting it up with little effort.

[Image: 982168224110104606_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Get comfortable.

There’s a couch and a number of large comfortable looking chairs around the television setup.

Steady immediately dives onto one of the big chairs. She looks very smug about it.

You go for the couch yourself, leaving room just in case.

Cabinetta goes for the shelf and pulls out a box, one that she opens up to reveal a disc.

[Image: 984130771369484318_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Games such as these are a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine… people are always so thrown off when they find out…

Steady: It’s all cool, sometimes you gotta have fun.

Cabinetta: Mm.. Still, people assume that because I live in an old timey castle I’m a fossil who’d be frightened by a lightbulb.. And while it’s true my kind is quite long lived, I’m far from being an ancient hermit.

She puts in the disc and boots up the game. A series of logos load up.

She sits herself next to you on the couch, getting comfortable.

She speeds through the starting menu, you barely register anything. She’s clearly played this a few times by now, you’re able to catch that she has a long list of saves.

Steady: Feel like I’ve seen something like this before.

Cabinetta: Have you? I mean I suppose it’s pretty popular, certainly has a fanbase across a large number of regions.

Steady: Yeah.

The first screen after the menu boots.

[Image: 990318537564385340_unknown.png]

The game text pops up. It’s a little cryptic, accompanied by incredibly ominous music.

A youth descends onto a stained glass floor at the bottom of the ocean.

"A long way to travel for a lonely grave, one that’ll be unmarked.

But it’s not your time yet, you’ve a certain luck on your side.

Regardless, it’s not much without the power to protect yourself…

Perhaps you carry that in you…"

Three pillars pop up, on top a tool on each of them.

"To gain is to lose. Pick one and forfeit another. "

The first item pops up.

A large sword.

[Image: 990313888857858068_unknown.png]







[Image: 990312860175441950_unknown.png]

The second item, a staff.







Finally, a axe.

[Image: 990316699683283054_unknown.png]







Cabinetta: Done this plenty of times, would the two of you like to pick?

[Image: 964879566088851456_unknown.png]

Steady: Maybe, seems tricky. What does it do?

Cabinetta: Pick a power you want, and one to give up. It’ll impact playstyle a good amount.

Steady: Hmm… I dunno. They all sound kind of scary. Spiral?

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - MarxzVulpez - 06-25-2022

pick champion, give up executioner

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Lilium Mortem - 06-25-2022

(06-25-2022, 06:26 PM)MarxzVulpez Wrote: pick champion, give up executioner


RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 06-25-2022

honestly I had the same thought, thirded

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 07-08-2022

[Image: 964880435484196884_unknown.png]
 Spiral: I want the Power of the Champion…

Spiral: And I want to give up The Power of the Executioner

[Image: 964695206588989500_unknown.png]

Steady: Honestly yeah, was kinda thinking the same thing a bit.

Steady: The executioner sounds pretty scary…

Spiral: What does this do anyway?

[Image: 982167032994873384_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: It’s mainly a gameplay thing…

Spiral: Ahh… no story implications?

Cabinetta: Well there’s some….

[Image: 982167804876845086_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Your rival gets whatever you sacrifice!

Steady: Yoooooo! There’s a rival?!

Cabinetta: Yes!

Steady: Show! How cool is he?

Cabinetta: You’ll see soon enough…

[Image: 995070156810244126_unknown.png]

A light shines down around the player character, dark amorphous creatures show up from the shadows.

The spiky haired protagonist manages to rip away at them with this newfound axe.

[Image: 995073237761392682_unknown.png]

A towering behemoth forms.

Spiral: So weird… none of this actually exists, right?

Cabinetta: Could not entirely confirm but I doubt it..

Cabinetta: Worse things certainly do soo…

Steady: Like what?

[Image: 982852938638721084_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Me~

Steady: I can’t see it.

Steady: You’re too cute.

[Image: 984131012063809566_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: I could turn you into a juice pack.

Steady: Calling your bluff.

Cabinetta: I mean… if one of you offered I’d take a bite…

[Image: 971471150548914206_unknown.png]

Steady: Yo Spiral, do it. Give her the goods.

[Image: 982005726903959673_unknown.png]

Spiral: Why me?!

Steady: You know.
I wanna see what it’s like….

Cabinetta: You don’t have to do that!

Steady: Hehe….

[Image: 984132829824827412_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Mean….

Steady: Just a little.

Cabinetta: So....

Steady: So....

Cabinetta: THis section is going to take a bit...

Steady: Ah...

Cabinetta: Hmm... I've said so much about myself, perhaps I could get to know more about both of you?

Steady: Honestly yeah, I'm still getting to know this one myself.

She takes a look at you.

Cabinetta: Oh?

Steady: Rookie, my job to watch over her.

Cabinetta: Ah...

[Image: 990316992793817118_unknown.png]

Spiral: First day on the job actually.... It's been good so far though!

Cabinetta: Mm... what a rough start. I'm very sorry....

Spiral: It's not a big deal...

Steady: Anyway maybe a game to pass the time? Get to learn more?

Cabinetta: What do you have in mind?

Steady: Two truths and a lie!  You tell three things about yourself, one of which is made up. We have to guess which are which.

Cabinetta: Oh, exciting!  Lets do it!

Steady: Alright so lets go around a circle for round one.

Steady: I'll start off.

Steady: I once got a part-time as a sub for a pro baseball team.

Steady: I made out with a literal closet skeleton.

Steady: I've never finished a horror film.

Steady: Cabinetta?

Cabinetta: I used to be quite good at basketball.

Cabinetta: I've won a regional chess tournament.

Cabinetta: I've never been on a date.

Cabinetta: Spiral?

You ponder...

Two Truths, and a lie.

You also have to try and guess which of their statements are lies too...

Easy enough...

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Ignispark - 07-08-2022

strategically, picking a truth that's easy to believe and hard to believe, while going for a moderate lie will throw people off, as they'll go for the most absurd one or the least absurd one. so, i think the following are good picks if one wants to 'win':

>drank a bottle of bbq sauce on a dare
>got into a fight with a spooky tree once. the tree won.

-competed in professional snowboarding

and discerning others' falsehooods:
Hm...steady seems like she would finish horror films. That third one's probably a lie.

Also, what's chess? Sounds fake. That's gotta be a lie as well.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 07-09-2022

nah nah see, it doesn't matter what the truth or lie is, there's no prizes. instead, it helps to get to know people! and it lets other people know what you think of them.

which means we can use it to flirt.

Cabinetta's statement of never having been on a date before? Gotta be a lie. Like Steady said before, she's too cute. Give a wink.

For Steady...hm. Y'know, I really wanna know more about the baseball team. If we say that's her lie, she'll tell us all about it if it's the truth. And if it is a lie, well, we won! So I'm gonna go with the pro baseball team as my guess.

For our lie, how about...

- I'm a huge fan of roller coasters. Especially those loop de loop ones, with names like The Twister or the DEATHSPIRAL. Kinda what inspired my name, actually. (This is a lie he hates rollercoasters. She gets reeeaaal squeamish on them. Would prefer to sit on the ground and read, like a nerd.)

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 07-11-2022

[Image: 982005899809943572_unknown.png]
 Spiral: Here goes nothing.

Spiral: Drank a bottle of BBQ Sauce on a dare. Was one of those local brands that gets marketed to tourists for having a distinct kick. Didn’t even tear up.

Spiral: Got into a fight with a spooky tree once. Was scary at first but ended up not being too hard to deal with in the end.

Spiral: I’m a huge fan of roller coasters. Especially those loop de loop ones, with names like The Twister or the DEATHSPIRAL. Kinda what inspired my name, actually.

[Image: 965009432339685426_unknown.png]

Steady: Tricky, considering I don’t got that much clue yet...

[Image: 982852938638721084_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: I would like to take a good crack first...

Spiral: Go ahead.

Cabinetta:  For you Steady… I think the skeleton.

Steady: Oh?

Cabinetta: No lips!

Steady: I mean you don’t need lips if you brave enough…

Cabinetta: Fair enough, And Spiral….  the sauce.

Cabinetta: You seem too polite to be that wasteful…


Steady: Interesting calls. I’m gonna say… hmm.

Steady: I’m sorry, the whole never been on a date thing feels fake as hell. Not possible…

Steady: And I’ve never heard of a ghost tree before, sounds fake too.

Spiral: You’d think.

Spiral: Alright, my turn.

Spiral: I’m gonna say the horror movie thing is fake.

Spiral: And…. I’m gonna second the date thing. Waaaaay too cute.
You sneak in a good wink.

Cabinetta: Aww…. well. I mean…

Cabinetta: Shall we reveal the truth?

Steady: Yep. So….

[Image: 967524061242589224_unknown.png]

Steady: Cabinetta called that. Had a part time deal with a baseball team on the side with permission from the lab and I’ve legit never sat through a whole horror film.

Cabinetta: I was close to picking the horror film to be fair…

Spiral: I’m surprised…

Steady:  Yep. Either it’s bad so I don’t finish, or it’s too scary so I chicken out…

Steady: Once went with a friend I had a crush on, was very spooked and disappointed they never tried to hold my hand or hug me or anything.

Cabinetta: …Was it a date?

Steady: Sort of? I mean you take someone to see a horror film so you can have them cling to you when they’re scared right? I got ignored when I tried to go for the arm cling….

Cabinetta: Ah…

Steady: Anyway I bailed in the third act, too much. They were cool about it though, we had ice cream after.

Spiral: I could go for some myself now that you mentioned it…

[Image: 996120837730078760_unknown.png]

Spiral: Honestly though I want to meet someone special enough to help me finish one...

Cabinetta: Aww....

Spiral: That's sweet...

[Image: 984130771369484318_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: On a related note…. So dating. Big confession..

Steady: No.

Spiral: Yeah no. You’re not about to say it.

Cabinetta: Is it really that big a shock…?

You and Steady manage a simultaneous “YES.”

Spiral: Can’t see it, adorable.

Steady: Yeah, really sweet too. And you’re like, a immortal vampire.

[Image: 984132829824827412_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Think that last bit intimidates people…

Spiral: Nah, it’s part of the charm I think.

Steady: Yeah, makes you feel… fancy. But like, a fun kind of fancy.

Steady: Also hot if you're into the whole bitey thing.

Spiral: Are you?

[Image: 965140920519503892_unknown.png]

Steady: Never tried, I'm a big chicken.

Steady: And no offense but both of ya'll got some scary teeth. Cute but... you know.

Steady: No homo.

[Image: 971471150548914206_unknown.png]


Steady: Fiddle is into that though so you could totally bully.

Hehe... I'll consider.

Cabinetta: I do ponder something..

Cabinetta: About that um… your job?

[Image: 990316992793817118_unknown.png]

Spiral: Yeah, I wanna hear about the baseball thing!

Spiral: What’s the deal?

Steady: Job is all about research and scanning right?

Steady: A lot to research from a bunch of pro athletes. Also got dunked in sports drink after a few times. Still got the uniform actually, think I look good it it personally.

Steady: Anyway, had a related job at the time and my swing happened to catch the eye of a team.

Steady: We did pretty good, had a solid run that year overall.

Steady: If you want to know the trick to a good homerun I’ll gladly show ya’ll…

Cabinetta: Maybe… not a good place for baseball around so we’d have to travel out some. Deserts  and such.

Steady: Sounds fun. Anyway, Spiral’s turn.

[Image: 971472129616924692_unknown.png]

Spiral: Rollercoasters. Can't.

Steady: Realy? I mean I can kinda see it. I get squeamish on them too…

Cabinetta: Mm… I could never.

Spiral: They’re scary! Usually just sit on a bench and read when friends want to go on one of these.

Cabinetta: I’d gladly join you.

Steady: Same here, start a book club for weenies.

Spiral: Heh… Weenie solidity.

[Image: 996124701648764968_unknown.png]

Steady: Wait so… ghost trees are real?

Cabinetta: Very much so.

Spiral: Yeah, they’re pretty messed up.

Cabinetta: Kind of pretty though.

Spiral: Yeah, they got really nice colors in the fall.

Cabinetta: They make awful sounds at night though.

Steady: I hate that. You gotta take me to see one sometime.

Cabinetta: Gladly.

Steady: So….

[Image: 965140920519503892_unknown.png]

Steady: One more round?

[Image: 982167804876845086_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Mmm! It's fun!

Spiral: Sure, bring it.

Steady: Alright um…

Steady: Went to prison at 16.

Steady: Had a short lived run owning a restaurant.

Steady: Had a romantic relationship with a god.

Cabinetta: Okay…

Cabinetta: I did a photoshoot for a fashion Magazine…

Cabinetta: I used to do acting in movies…

Cabinetta: I once had a crush on a vampire hunter…

Steady: You’re up.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Lilium Mortem - 07-11-2022

gonna call the prison thing bs. after the baseball thing I'm getting the feeling steady just wanders into odd jobs like a moth to a flame. and I can see the god thing right now, steady, falling for your target.  but HQ told you your misssion 'screw the mission' you'd say, 'this is love!'

torn between caling the photoshoot and the acting a lie... getting a crush on a vampire hunter is just too Cabinetta to not be true.

as for us?
-Ran away from home to avoid a dentist appointment my parents forgot about anyway(true story, really happened to me.)
-hugged a real ass completely animal wild bear

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 07-12-2022

Oh I can see the acting thing for Cabinetta, so I'm gonna have to guess...fashion magazine? The other two just seem
like things you'd do more. But I could be mistaken!

And for Steady...I don't think you went to prison? But hey, if you did, we've all been there. I probably would've gone to prison if my parents didn't have the connections they did.


- Got an affinity for little plush or rubber ducks when writing my thesis, I got self-concious that all my friends got tired of hearing me talk about it, so I got a duck from the dollar store the bounce ideas off of. Named it Tango. Then I started taking it everywhere my friends couldn't come with to keep my company, like at this one job I had, or when shopping. Got really attached to ducks as a result. I still have Tango actually, we've been through a lot together.

- I took dance classes as a kid! It was either that or sword fighting, and my ma was *not too keen* on me picking up a sword at the ripe ol age of 8. Now I don't use swords at all. Huh, I wonder if I would if she had gone for the sword class I asked for. I wonder how she's doing in general, now that I mention it...

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 07-15-2022

[Image: 964880435484196884_unknown.png]

 Spiral: I ran away from home to avoid my parents taking me to the dentist. Terrified of having my mouth poked at like that… The noise all the stuff makes especially.

Spiral: Got an affinity for little plush or rubber ducks when writing my thesis, I got self-conscious that all my friends got tired of hearing me talk about it, so I got a duck from the dollar store the bounce ideas off of.

Spiral: I took dance classes as a kid! It was either that or sword fighting, and my ma was *not too keen* on me picking up a sword at the ripe ol age of 8.

Steady: These all feel pretty specific….

Steady: Uh.. okay. Mind if I guess first?

[Image: 982852938638721084_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: You may proceed!

Steady:  So uh.. lets see…

Steady: I’ll be real Cabby, I can kind of see you in all of these situations? I’m going to guess the movie thing though. Feel like you’d be too shy on camera.

[Image: 982167032994873384_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: You really have so little faith?

Steady: Don’t say it like that…..

Cabinetta: Joking!

Steady: You made me scared…

Cabinetta: Hehe…

Steady: Anyway Spiral uh… Dancing. I can see the duck thing and running away over a dentist? A little silly but mundane enough that it sounds real. Honestly none of it’s that hard to believe though.

Spiral: Interesting…

Spiral: Mind if I guess next this time?

Cabinetta: Mm, still thinking myself…

Cabinetta: Go for it!

Spiral: So Cabinetta uh…

Spiral: Honestly? Vampire thing seems to you not to be true. Magazine and the Movie thing… I can see you having fun with acting honestly? Magazine.. I can see you getting an invite easy but I don’t know if you’d actually go through with it. So I’ll go with the the photoshoot, seems like a half truth but not really.

Spiral: As for Steady…

[Image: 990316992793817118_unknown.png]

Spiral: Yeah I don’t think the prison thing is true, you’re too nice!

Spiral: And I think I can imagine the other two easier. Going around taking all sorts of odd jobs, falling for a god in the middle of a job.

Steady: Oh my god, stop!

Spiral: I mean it’s cute.

Cabinetta: It's not wrong.

Steady: I mean...

Cabinetta: Hehe...

Cabinetta: May I take my turn now also?

Steady: Go ahead.

Cabinetta: Hmm.

Cabinetta: Steady… the god thing perhaps? Feel like you’re somewhat of a wild card.. I don’t really know if I can see it though, seems too strict a lifestyle…

Cabinetta: As for Spiral? The Dentist thing. It seems intentionally too mundane and specific. Purposefully so, nobody would suspect it.

Steady: Final answers?

Cabinetta: Mmhmm!

[Image: 965140851292520448_unknown.png]

Steady: Well you both got mine wrong.

Spiral: Was it the restaurant?

Steady: I mean yeah, you think I have that kind of money?

[Image: 982166086428540938_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: You played professional baseball…

Steady: The regional currency exchange rate didn’t translate well…

Steady: Also I felt bad keeping that much money so most of it went to helping other folks.. Wouldn’t know what to do with uh… I think it was like 7 digits for that season?

Steady: I kept some of the merch though, I had to. They did so good with it….

Spiral: So you went to prison? I mean no judging, we’ve all been there. Would’ve gone myself if my parents didn’t have connections.

[Image: 964879566088851456_unknown.png]

Steady: Yeeeeah. Is what it is, bad place at a bad time. Like I didn't do anything THAT bad but have fun convincing the feds...

Spiral: You want to talk about it? No biggie if you don't.

Steady: Maybe? Might sour the mood right now though so..

Steady: Not just yet if that’s alright.

Spiral: Of course.

[Image: 964695206588989500_unknown.png]

Steady: Thank you.

Cabinetta: So the god thing?

Steady: It was pretty brief but also um….

[Image: 996120837730078760_unknown.png]

Steady: I got a thing for cute eldritch types you know? So many eyes to kiss…

Steady: In the end I couldn’t really commit to the whole demonhood thing I was offered.

Cabinetta: Immortality not to your interest?

Steady: Nah, just like... I dunno. It was nice but didn't feel special enough that it'd feel right to say yes, you know? They took it well and we're on good terms..

Steady: Anyway… Spiral?

Spiral: Cabby got it, the dentist thing.

Steady: Yeah. I mean I kind of knew about the duck thing.

Spiral: You saw a bit. Like I said, picked up one from the dollar store. Named it Tango. Still have it with me actually, we've been through a lot together…

Steady: Awww…

Steady: So that means you did dancing then? Would’ve ever figured.

Spiral: Yep! Kinda wonder what it’d be like if I got to do swordfighting instead though… wonder how my ma is doing in general… but you know.

Steady: You gotta show me sometime, hopefully you can still do your old moves fine.

[Image: 997592760733417642_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Mmhmm, I’d love to join you…

[Image: 971471150548914206_unknown.png]

Steady looks at you.

[Image: 971472129616924692_unknown.png]

She's got your back. Oh no.

Spiral: So… Cabinetta? Your turn?

Cabinetta: The photoshoot… I had a offer or two in the past but I declined. Too shy I suppose..

Cabinetta: The acting thing isn’t quite as big as it sounds, mainly local productions. They like my noblewoman’s laugh…

[Image: 997595897053585408_unknown.png]


Cabinetta: Mmhmm! Exactly! I have to build up to it though..

Spiral: How were the movies themselves?

Cabinetta: Struggling… but we had fun in the process…

[Image: 984132829824827412_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: On a side tangent, my sweet tooth is getting to me right now. I feel like dessert.

Cabinetta: It’d be rude not to offer your friend. Could one of you go out to the library two halls down to invite them over while the other stays to assist me?

She pauses the game.

Cabinetta: If I cannot get my blood fix, I’ll make due with the alternatives...

Steady: Sure!… Spiral, you call who does what. I’m good either way.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Lilium Mortem - 07-15-2022

oh no a choice! flip a coin or play rock paper scissors to see who goes.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 07-15-2022

ah man I was almost level 12...
uh you can go get Fiddle, Steady, I feel like I'd get lost easy in the halls

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Ignispark - 07-16-2022

take the assistance task, hallways are evil.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 07-21-2022

[Image: 982004605535797298_unknown.png]

 Spiral: I’ll get lost honestly, no good at figuring out halls.

[Image: 965140920519503892_unknown.png]

Steady: Mm, I get you. I’ll try not to take too long then.

[Image: 982167804876845086_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: The lights will change colors to guide your way if you touch the wall. They always know where you need to go.

[Image: 965009432339685426_unknown.png]

Steady: Wait, really? That’s cool.
kind of evil though...

Cabinetta: O-Oh?

Steady: Dark magic hallways...

Cabinetta: I mean yes...

Steady: Helpful though. I won't take long.

Cabinetta: Be careful with any claws please, don’t scratch it…

Steady: I won't!

Steady looks at you.

Steady: You going to be all good with making dessert?

Spiral: Should be!

Steady: Alrighty then, good luck! Have fun!

Steady gives you both a sweet little wave before stepping through the door. You and Cabinetta return the gesture.

You hear her sprint until she's no longer anywhere close to you two.

[Image: 982852938638721084_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Well then, are you ready?

Spiral: Mm, what’s the plan?

Cabinetta: Follow me…. If you dare.

[Image: 971472129616924692_unknown.png]

Spiral: If I dare?

Cabinetta: Mm? Yes?

Spiral: Why do you gotta say it like that?

Cabinetta: In a horror movie, this is the point where the monster separates you one by one to pick you off. A creature has been mentioned and shown signs of its influence on the surrounding area, but you have yet to see it.

Cabinetta: You have no clue to its form. A possible misdirection has been dropped, you expected it to be some large frightening thing but for all you know, it could be a shapeshifter within arm's length, gauging prey.

Cabinetta: Figuring out the optimal way to take down a group piece by piece...

Cabinetta: One must wonder if you've doomed yourself first or last...

Spiral: Don't say stuff like that...

Cabinetta: Hehe... A bit too far?

Spiral: More than a little.

Cabinetta: Fortunately for you it's a only bit, one that's landed me a role or two before.  Consider it life advice. You are new to... whatever occupation you and your allies appear to be filling. One I cannot fully understand but is clearly dangerous in nature.

[Image: 984130771369484318_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: The three of you are very sweet and wonderful, and I do appreciate the flirtations but...

Cabinetta: You should be less immediately trusting in the future. I've found myself in bad situations myself, and I do not want to see anyone get hurt because they lacked any sense of caution.

Spiral: How do I know you're not about to pull something then? All that spooky talk.

Cabinetta: Because if I wished to hunt all of you down, I would've chosen to have you go fetch your friend and had Steady stay.

Cabinetta: A supernatural predator is very good at detecting who will be the biggest issue should things go wrong, and I can tell that rabbit has the most destructive potential. She'd be the one to take out before suspicion is created....

Cabinetta: But I will not eat her today, she is adorable.

Spiral: Today?!

Cabinetta: More dark humor! With that said...

Cabinetta: I can tell there is much you three are hiding about yourselves. I understand but...

[Image: 984131012063809566_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: I've seen so much breach of my trust before, even recently...

Cabinetta: I've very much enjoyed your company so far so... please do not make me regret opening my doors to you.

She goes quiet, very solemn and lost in her thoughts.

You can't help but wonder what happened... Should you ask? Maybe try to shift the conversation... maybe attempt to assure her things will be okay? This is a lot more intense than you expected....

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Ignispark - 07-21-2022

uh, ... reassurance seems like a good avenue. like, there's nothing to worry too much about! you're helping people with your job! (probably) and uh doing important research. anyway everything should be fine. just gotta beat up a rude creature messing with the town and then. continue adventuring elsewhere. this is going to be fine!! (probably, aside from the high chance of personal injury to all parties involved.)

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Lilium Mortem - 07-21-2022

It's not really my choice to hide things, I'm new so I don't want to rock the boat, y'know? I don't think there's anything I could really say that'd make you feel like you could trust us, I would if I could. I hope at least we can earn that trust, at the very least.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 07-24-2022

I'll have to take your advice. Or at least, I'll try...I don't want to not trust anyone, but I'll make sure not to enter without an escape plan ready, at the very least. And, don't worry. We aren't keeping anything secret from you because we have alternative motives, it's just moreso to keep things less complicated. I don't really get the whole secrecy thing, but I'm also pretty new to this, so, yeah.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 08-01-2022

 [Image: 982005899809943572_unknown.png]

Spiral: I’ll take your advice. I don’t really not want to trust people but like…

Spiral: Right now I’m a little lost on things myself. Any secrets we’re keeping aren’t because we don’t trust you, it just complicates things.

Spiral: I don’t know if there’s anything I can do to make you trust us more. I’m not entirely in the loop either, as far as I can tell this is mostly for science.

Spiral: I just want to do our research, probably beat up the creature in town, and adventure on.

[Image: 982167032994873384_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Mm… I get the sense I can gauge more of you than you know yourself right now.

Cabinetta: Your soul is of a organic being but your body is massively synthetic. The scent of you indicates someone who’s freshly been exposed to the natural winds.

Cabinetta: An experiment perhaps?

Spiral: Ah… Um..

Cabinetta: You don’t need to feel forced to answer. The others are also of a similar situation, though they’ve clearly been at this for longer.

Cabinetta: The three of you seem very genuine but… whatever your business is here, promise me you will not bring ill to this town. People want to be able to return home.

Cabinetta: I do not expect you to solve our creature problem, but it does mean a lot that you’ve been willing to offer your help..

[Image: 982852938638721084_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: I’m already having a much better night than I have in such a long time… the company, the possibility of things getting better being so much more… hmm..

Cabinetta: I will have this discussion with the others as well. I hope I haven’t scared you off with this but it feels needed.

Cabinetta: If you have any thoughts and concerns yourself, you should address them too. It's only fair.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Lilium Mortem - 08-01-2022

I like to think of myself as someone who tries to do good in the world. I've got a big hammer and there's something that needs smashing, so I smash. I wouldn't ever willingly do something to harm you or the town.

Hey if you give me your contact info we can stay in touch. I need a new phone. and computer. and a lot of stuff really, so I can't exactly offer you my number. But I think it'd be nice to have a friend outside of our group of mysterious group.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Ignispark - 08-03-2022

agreeing with the above. do good! fuck up bad shit. that's the idea. i mean stuff's complex but you gotta do the best you can in the worlds regardless.
& getting contact info is always the optimal play.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 08-05-2022

ok this is an admittedly silly concern but. do you think I'll have time to finish that game before or after we finish fighting the monster here? I've missed games like it. Wait. Actually...

Can we stab a knife into one of your wonderfully constructed walls? It'll let me come back here if I need.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 08-07-2022

[Image: 990316992793817118_unknown.png]
 Spiral: Guess I like to think of myself as someone who tries to do good in the world. Got a big hammer and if there’s something that need Smashing? I smash.

Spiral: Wouldn’t want to do anything to hurt you or your town. Stuff’s complex but you have to do your best you know?

[Image: 982852938638721084_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: I get that.. I do genuinely appreciate everyone’s offer.

Cabinetta: I suppose it was silly to worry, people with secrets often leave me oh so worried but…

Cabinetta: Everyone is allowed them. You seem very honest to me, and your friends seem like good info.

[Image: 984130771369484318_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: For now I trust you. Hopefully this will be the first of many meetings together…

She catches herself staring a little too long.

Cabinetta: Sorry... Anyway..

[Image: 982005410905067530_unknown.png]

Spiral: Heh... On a side note, do you have contact info? I wanna keep in touch since uh...

Spiral: I come from so far away… I'd be hard to visit all the time while traveling.

Cabinetta: I do! I’d like that.

Cabinetta: I’ll make sure to give it to you before you all have to leave regardless of what happens. It’d be nice to have more friends to call.

Spiral: Nice! Also uh… less related.

Spiral: And this is silly sounding but um…Think we can finish the game before leaving or fighting the monster? Been a long time since I’ve played stuff like that…

Cabinetta: It’s a bit long and we have much prepwork but… if you were to stick around or visit we certainly can! There’s a sequel coming out soon so…

Spiral: I can work with that. Actually um…

Spiral: Mind if I stick a knife in your wonderfully constructed wall? It’ll let me come back here. It's magic or something.

[Image: 971473549967630486_unknown.png]

You flash your dagger.

Cabinetta: I’d prefer if you didn't stab the wall specifically but I could find a good spot for it.

Cabinetta: I do have something to present actually… I feel you know more about what this is.

She pulls out a small radio from her pockets. It’s recognizable as similar in material and texture to many of the devices back at your base.

Cabinetta: Your friend had it on them. Perhaps you can make use of it?

You take it in hand. It starts making noise immediately.

A familiar voice comes out.

[Image: 965011690494234684_unknown.png]

4D: Seems we’ve made contact. Data says you’ve scanned for um…

4D: The new person, Spiral was it?

4D: Are you there?

You’re startled a little.

Spiral: I’m here! Is there a camera…?

4D: No, it just read your biometrics.

Cabinetta watches quietly, not sure whether to interrupt or not.

[Image: 963926006027157605_the_sprites_begin.png]

4D: Speaking of, seems you’ve scanned a fiend! Wonderful!

4D: And… a rabbit? Odd. Is that Steady? She keeps taking people with her on jobs to get around the rules...

4D: Data currently downloading and uh… in the system! Isn't technology swell?

4D: Anyway glad we’ve got contact with you again, you seemingly went MIA as soon as you entered the area…

4D: Is everyone else okay? Sorry, admittedly giddy to finally have contact again!

Spiral: Mm. We're good.

4D: Excellent! Anyway brief overview.

4D: Your collected data is that of a Fiendish Spider and a modified custom mammal. Precise perk extraction is lacking at the moment but you’ve gained access to a few options for modification that we can send over.

4D: Body Type “Fiend Spider” and Body Type “Custom 1938” are available. It’ll be effectively a slightly modified copy of your scans to apply your current modifications.

4D: More specific modifications will take time to fully extract but we got a few easy ones if you’re interested.

4D:  “Organic Webbing” and “Vampiric healing” from the fiend scan.

4D: “Probability Modifier” and “Rubberhose Build” from the custom.

4D: Anyway I could have any of these mods sent out soon if you’re interested.

4D: But uh.. Proper status report? Details? Important questions on the mission? We’ve got quite a bit to catch up on. Perhaps confirmation on everyone else as well?

4D: It’s a lot to take in for a first day so If you need me to slow down, do tell!

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Lilium Mortem - 08-07-2022

Tell cabinets it's a work call and take it out on the hall to explain the situation and ask why this thing can punch through the deadzone when none of our regular comms could.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 08-08-2022

Seconding stepping out for a minute for our call.

I'd take the Vampiric Healing and Probability modifier if we're allowed both.

As for our status report? We found our colleague. They're alive, but not in good shape. We're teaming up with some locals to take down the cause - some sort of monster that only comes out at night. It's got a venomous sorta bite that puts people in a sort of dormant limbo state, and has apparently absorbed many people form the town into itself, if I recall correctly. It hates...fire and light, can retreat into a personal void apparently, and has a cold aura around it. We're going to try to make an antidote of of the venom and take it down if we can. Does the description ring any bells? Have you heard of anything like this before?

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Ignispark - 08-08-2022

status reports and whatnot take priority but...maybe also ask What IS a probability modifier????? That seems odd and potentially concerning.

(also thirding stepping out for a minute for the work call and seconding either like, mentally bookmarking or mentioning interest in healing and probability modifier. that all seems prudent. the questions about the comms device, the status report on the colleague and situation and everything also seem good)

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 08-08-2022

[Image: 964880435484196884_unknown.png]
 Spiral: Give me just one sec…

You lower the device and look over to Cabinetta.

Spiral: Hey so uh…

[Image: 982167032994873384_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Is something wrong? Who are you talking to?

Spiral: Work call, someone from back at the office. You mind if I scoot out for a sec?

Cabinetta: Are they your people?

Spiral: Mm…

Cabinetta: One moment then.

She makes her way to the other room, waving at you.

Spiral: Appreciated. I won't take too long.

[Image: 965011690494234684_unknown.png]

4D: Is everything alright?

Spiral: Just asking a friend for some privacy. So what’s up? How are you connecting with me?

4D: No clue! We suspected a jammer situation of some kind but maybe you’re in a blind spot?

4D: Either way you’re safe! Did you find our person?

Spiral: Yeah, they’re sick though. Some kind of curse or poison?

4D: Ah… Okay. Hmm. We can apply something to ease their condition. We’d need a good drop off spot however, are you outdoors?

Spiral: No.

4D: Mm… Any other status updates?

Spiral: Currently night, some kind of creature is causing this area trouble and got our target. Uh…

Spiral: The others are doing their own thing while we wait for daytime. Kind of dangerous to go out right now.

[Image: 963926006027157605_the_sprites_begin.png]

4D: Ah… normally I don’t like having people wait this long but we’d rather not lose more. Too many accidents and home base will cut off the area completely. Try not to die!

Spiral: Oh….

4D: Mm. Can’t guarantee another expedition will be deployed if you get trapped.  So are you working with the locals? Have to be taking up shelter somewhere.

Spiral: Mmhmm. The creature apparently has a venomous bite that puts you in a dormant state. Don’t know if you have any antidote but…

4D: We can do a diagnostics check. We’ll send in the pod after we scan for a clearing. Any other details?

Spiral: It has a cold aura, is weak to fire and light, and can retreat into a void. Ring any bells? Sound familiar?

4D: It does actually. Think it might be a Revnaught. Lost soul type deal, people it bites and drags into its void are archived in its own dreamland.

4D: They’re shapeshifters that take the form of one of its captives during the day. Can’t really survive in their true form in light for long. Like one of those vengeful ghost types but lonely, they lash out from a distinctive solitude. They’re pretty rare, a good scan to get if you can.

Spiral: Noted…

Spiral: Also back to the mods, can you explain? Interested in the vampiric healing and probability modifier stuff.

4D: Ah! So let me break it down.

4D: Body types are obviously what they sound like, it’s good to have scans of those as a base for spares. Most folks keep a few extras in case a job isn’t compatible with their biology. They come with the same abilities as folks you scan and whatever additional modifications you’re aiming for. 

4D: The individual mods are more of a precise thing. You actually have a uh… tail mod in storage back home? Did you make a request?

Spiral: Maybe…

4D: Hmm.. either way that could be applied to you anytime. As for the ones you were interested in…

4D: Vampiric healing is a fiendish trait, allows you to recover from injuries by drinking blood or absorbing shreds. Very wonderful little thing, personally not a bad choice.

[Image: 963711115261534208_unknown.png]

4D: Apparently it has a nice kick to it. People who pick up this perk get cravings the way a stoner gets the munchies. It’s safe overall but… you know. Might get hungry more often. Very fun from what I’ve heard though!

4D: Fiend bodies have additional benefits from drinking blood, makes their abilities way more powerful, reveals their true self if they indulge enough. The isolated mod doesn’t have this however so you wouldn’t be able to transform or shapeshift or cast dangerous magic.

4D: As for the probability modifier? I’m not entirely sure how to explain it. Let me grab Rico…

You hear yelling in the background for a moment before..

[Image: 965137471199379526_unknown.png]

Rico: Hey, you’re all safe! Nice! So uh… we’ll be your operators for now then.

Rico: Granted we might be busy with other jobs at times. Probability modifier seems to not have a species associated? Not one documented. No idea how Steady got her hands on it, seems to make impossible things have a slight chance of happening around her? We’re not sure…

4D: Big mystery indeed. She’s a pretty lucky rabbit though. You should rub a paw and see if it does something.

[Image: 966760115904602133_unknown.png]

Rico: Don’t do that!

[Image: 963711115261534208_unknown.png]

4D: Do it!

Rico: I don't think that's how it works!

4D: How do you know? Can you prove that?

Rico: Yes! Also pretty sure the rabbit's luck is in the ear...

4D: Rub her ear then, I'm sure she'd be okay if you asked.

Rico: Probably but I don't recommend it.

Spiral: Wait are you messing around or… can she do stuff like that?

Rico: Honestly? It’s hard to say. But I doubt anything bad will happen if you take that mod. She's absolutely the luckiest operative I've met soooo.

Rico: Anyway we’ll do a save so you can rollback if you don’t end up liking the changes, it's no biggie.

Rico: Could also use one of your slots. All folks starting off are given a body initially and space for 3 others. Think of it as a few pre-set loadouts you make in advance.

Rico: Current template is:

Species: Custom Snake

- Weather Resistant (Extreme heat and cold are less dangerous)

- Enhanced Strength 1 (You are strong enough to lift up to three times your body weight)

- Fall Resist (You can jump down from moderately high places without injury)

- Enhanced Recovery (You can recover wounds overnight faster than usual. Broken bones will be fixed in a couple of days.)

[Image: 967503309936140298_unknown.png]

Rico: Also if you need any supplies you’re allowed a drop, just don’t waste anything. Heads get pissed if you don't use what you ask for.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Ignispark - 08-08-2022

...speaking of supplies that could get used...do you think a harpoon gun be a good weapon for this scenario and is one available for whenever we get around to being able to do a drop? I think it might be useful to have something metal and sturdy to try to catch the beast and prevent it from running away. Also...as far as scanning goes, can a part of something be scanned if removed? Or can things be scanned if they die? That will probably impact how hard trying to scan the Revnaught will be.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Lilium Mortem - 08-08-2022

I think adding just probability modifier is a good move right now. Don't want to mess with the over all body shape or any new senses or unweildy abilities rn.

Make sure to relay the stuff about the monster to the others. And In this case I think we should make a policy of scanning new individuals we meet, could catch this thing red handed.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 08-16-2022

Uuuh, could we choose what to get in the drop after we meet up with the others again? I don't know if Steady will have any good ideas of something we can use to fight this thing. Or...snack ideas, for that matter.

Also, if I could get an overview of the webbing ability too, that might be helpful for tying this creature up. Unless the webs easily break in the cold...

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 08-16-2022

[Image: 982005410905067530_unknown.png] 

Spiral: Think I’ll keep from messing with anything too extreme or unwieldy, comfy with this body type for now.

[Image: 967503309936140298_unknown.png]

Rico: For the best, you’re just getting used to being alive again and all.

[Image: 965011690494234684_unknown.png]

4D: Mm, as much as we encourage experimentation with as many mods as possible, this is your first job. Plus I’m pretty sure spiders are bad luck.

Rico:... Aren’t you a Spider?

4D: Yes? I’m not exactly a four leaf clover.

4D: Whether it carries over to the folks I’m monitoring is more up to debate I think.

4D: I do have a rather high rate of working with accident prone people so…

[Image: 963926006027157605_the_sprites_begin.png]

4D: Be careful!

Rico: Don’t listen to that. So no mods? You have a lot of capacity.

Spiral: I mean I’ll take probability manipulation and maybe the webbing but uh…

Spiral: Does the webbing break easier in the cold?

Rico: 4D, you got the answer to this right?

4D: Should be fine. Fiend bodies are quite vulnerable to extreme heat and cold but the webbing is quite fantastic for getting through winters.

4D: The cold will not kill our kind but will cause our body state to slow down, potentially hibernating until snow stops.

[Image: 1009219889904504922_unknown.png]

4D: Rico brings me blankets regularly during shift because the AC makes me sleepy…

Spiral: So should be good?

4D: Yep! Your body might struggle to regenerate webbing as quickly without a fiend body however. Species has a number of unique functions that make transcribing abilities to other forms of being difficult.

Spiral: Right. Also a few more quick things?

[Image: 965137471199379526_unknown.png]

Rico: Go for it!

Spiral: Could a harpoon be good? We need to sort of capture it and keep it from running.

Rico: We can set that up easy..

Spiral: Also, do we need to scan the thing live? Like is scanning a piece or corpse viable?

Rico: A piece takes a bit longer to extract details from, but yeah. Corpse should be fine though we prefer live scans for a number of reasons.

Rico: Anyway, easy stuff either way.

Spiral: Cool .

Spiral: Also can we hold the delivery til I talk to the others? Also can you provide snacks? I want to hear some ideas from the rest of the group.

Rico: Sure thing, want updates from them anyway.

Spiral: Cool. Stand by then?

Rico: Standing by.

You pocket the device before turning toward the doorway. Cabinetta peeks her head out.

[Image: 1009221592238276618_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: Hello. Are you all done? I tried not to listen in too much but it sounded like you were finished. Good news hopefully?

Spiral: Mostly. I want to regroup though, call is on hold for now.

Cabinetta: Ah, certainly! We can hold dessert for now then.

Cabinetta: I’m really finding myself lightheaded though so let's be quick about it.... the hunger makes me a grumpy and sad creature...

Cabinetta: What did they call about anyway if I may ask?

Cabinetta: Can they help us?

Cabinetta: Hate to ask so much,I hope none of this is too intrusive...

[Image: 1009222903448993812_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: The most anything to happen in awhile! I can't help but be excited that things may work out for us in the end...

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - Lilium Mortem - 08-16-2022

we're getting a supply drop, I think that's safe enough to say. plan kill the monster is a go. if you have anything you think would help with the monster hunting let me know and I can call it in, otherwise let's wait for the others.

Fill in everyone about revenaught details

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - King-Clod - 08-24-2022

They can help us. Do you think there's anything we need that you don't have here? They can't help us out in person, but they can give us supplies. Even if it's just a snack you haven't had in a while.

RE: Just a Passing Assassin... - ThreadLurkingComorant - 09-02-2022

[Image: 990316992793817118_unknown.png]
 Spiral: Got in contact with my people, we’re getting a supply drop.

Cabinetta: O-Oh?! And by that you mean…

[Image: 997592760733417642_unknown.png]

Spiral: Plan to kill the monster is good to go, if there’s anything you think could help us now’s a good time to bring it up. Anything useful, mention it. If not, even just snacks probably is fine.

Cabinetta: I’d have to think on that, but uh….

Cabinetta: Would it be selfish if you could get me some blood? I’m really starving….  Vanilla pudding would be nice too but… or maybe….

Spiral: Is it dangerous right now?

Cabinetta: No, but when you regularly drink it does become painful to be cut off. Many descendants of fiends never start in the first place because they tend to have minimized cravings.

Spiral: I can see what I can do, higher than zero chance but no promise.

[Image: 1015384171943821372_unknown.png]

Cabinetta: You are wonderful, bless you…

Spiral: So uh, need to talk to the others about this first before they can do anything. That okay-

You are immediately tossed over her shoulder

She picks you up and starts booking it.

You don’t know how to feel.

[Image: 1015384715391422474_unknown.png]

Spiral: Y-you’re really that thirsty?!

Cabinetta: Yes!

You see candles filled with hallways pass by you so fast until it looks like a blur of comets.

And then suddenly, at pinpoint accuracy, she stops before a doorway and puts you down.

Your whole body is shaky after that.

Spiral: Whoa uh…

Cabinetta: Pretend we just walked.

Spiral: Trying.

She brushed herself off and entered the library ahead of you. You follow suit.

You spot your friends and a third person up ahead and wave. Steady waves back immediately.

[Image: 965140851292520448_unknown.png]

Steady: Yo! We were supposed to come back to you!

Spiral: You were taking a bit, and we got in contact with home base.

Steady: Really? How’d you manage that?

Cabinetta: We found a communicator on your cursed ally, it seems to still be functional.

Fiddle: Really? Let me see…

You pull it out of your pocket.

Fiddle: Interesting… it’s older tech that can adjust frequency. The technology in our bodies and communicators is all uniform for the sake of easy data transfer.

Steady: So in other words..

Fiddle: Just a case of really awful luck, the creature is jamming our signals specifically.

Steady: Ah… yo Cabby, you’ve been able to call people outside of town right?

Cabinetta: I have, albeit the signal is not amazing in this area ever so..

Steady: Huh…

Steady: Seems like the blocker is a bit of a freak accident deal. Wonder if spawning in the exit is possible now..

Fiddle: No, the exits and entrances need to be precise for safety reasons. We can’t take any risks with those lest you wish to be scrambled on the way back.

Fiddle: As for the data and consciousness transfer, that’s also tricky. We have to deal with this creature one way or another before that.

Spiral: Speaking of, people back at base offered us a supply drop so..

Steady: That’d be fantastic. Mind if we talk with folks?

Cabinetta: Go ahead!

???: Just to clarify, these are people you work with yes?

[Image: 971471150548914206_unknown.png]

Steady: Yep! Yo Spiral, this is Mr. Turnip. He’s very

[Image: 1015393703004753960_unknown.png]

Turnip: Mm….

Spiral: Spiral, at your service.

Turnip: Quite, I’m Cabinetta’s assistant. Familiar actually, bit of a magical thing really. Are you versed?

Spiral: Plenty, used to be big into witching stuff.

Turnip: Then I don’t need to explain much. I’m the one who helps out when Cabinetta here is testing extreme solutions to local issues. Droughts, sandstorms, giant bats.

Cabinetta: We don’t talk about the giant bats…

Turnip: Is it still too soon?

Cabinetta: Yes.

Turnip: Fair enough. I'll be aiding in your efforts...

Spiral: Make sense... ah right, so back to business.
We kinda got a lot to cover. Gotta update home base.

Steady reaches out for the device.

Steady: Yeah, let me go handle that. You mind?

You hand her over the device. She flicks it on.

Steady: Steady, here to report. Uh.. yeah we’re all here. Fiddle’s doing good, we found our friend, all that.

Steady: I… No. I mean… yeah it’s kinda dire.

Spiral: Is everything alright?

Fiddle: Possibly.

Steady: People have houses here, seems like a bad plan honestly. I mean it’d work but like… I dunno, feel like we’d kill everyone’s plants and mess up their water and…

[Image: 966760622282932224_unknown.png]

Steady: Yeah no let's not. Really? Maybe uh… I’m tempted to be honest.

Steady looks over.

Steady: Alright, yeah I can… just uh…

She hands it over to Fiddle.

[Image: 967524061242589224_unknown.png]

Steady: Help…

The construct takes the device in hand.

[Image: 965138975029338122_unknown.png]

Fiddle: Yes? Yes we’re all good…. Ah. Okay well..

Fiddle: Yeah just catch me up on what you’ve told the others….

[Image: 1015387828387070065_unknown.png]

Fiddle: I really don’t think that’s necessary but…

Fiddle: Oh… I mean that’s.. Hmm…

Fiddle: Pizza would be good…

Fiddle looks over to you.

Fiddle: Going to take a bit, they actually heard everything you and Cabinetta discussed, Nobody ever turned the talkie off…

Spiral: Ah! Well..

Fiddle: I mean that’s by design, they have to monitor the job. We’ll receive a care package in the morning with everyone’s needs.They *can* deploy a few utilities though now. Anything urgent?

Spiral: A few, we’re going to be here the night so…

[Image: 1015394338873806918_unknown.png]

Cabinetta looks at you with sad eyes.

Spiral: Even just to entertain yourself during the wait.

Steady: Or…. maybe swoon a person or two. Hehe…
I see what you are….