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[IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - Printable Version

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RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-10-2019

'We should find shelter.'  Mince scans the horizon, sheltering their face with one wing.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - allhallowed - 11-10-2019

Indie splutters as sand blows into her trap mouth. “Yes, please.” They’re covering the fluid that leaks from their trap with their arms and seem utterly miserable.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-10-2019

“Oh, here.” Clarice takes off her lab coat and offers it to Indie, so that he can use it to protect himself from the sand.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-10-2019


"I haven't seen anything so far." Brisk is covering most of his face with his robes, leaving only a tiny slit for his eyes.

The storm just gets worse and worse the further you go. The sand seems like it's made of razor blades, and soon enough tiny cuts start to appear in everyone's clothing.

"That's it. We're turning around." Brisk yells over the wind.

Just as quickly as the storm picked up, it fades again once you start heading the other direction. Soon you're back in the much calmer winds near the edge of the forest. It's clear the storm will be impossible to cross without some help.

Brisk begins unloading logs from his backpack and quickly starts a small campfire. In less time than you've ever seen someone build a fire before, a small fire lies a short distance away from the edge of the forest- far enough there's no chance of the plants catching on fire, but close enough the wind isn't an issue. He removes his hood and puts his palms towards the flames, allowing them to warm him. Several tiny cuts on his hands that you didn't notice before begin to disappear. Looking down at your own exposed flesh, you notice the same sort of tiny cuts- especially on your feet, for those of you who are barefoot.

"We should rest here while we think of a way through that storm."


RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - aeshihowl - 11-10-2019

Exceedingly hesitantly, Flicker also approaches the fire and holds out his hands, allowing the warmth to soothe his wounds. "Cool. So, this place bends to our will. Couldn't we just think of a place that has, like, metal blankets, and then walk until we find it?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-10-2019

Clarice huddles by the fire next to Flicker and Brisk. “Are you okay?” she asks Indie. The weapon type had clearly had the worst of it with their exposed fluid so that seemed to have replaced any puzzle solving in her mind for the time being.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-10-2019

‘If we can control anything about this place, why don’t we try and stop the storm directly? Or change the desert itself?’ Mince hitches their wings around themself, leaning their head-casing closer to the fire. ’I’m not convinced, though. If we covered our heads and took a torch with us, maybe we could make it through without taking too much damage. That is, if carrying fire still acts as a campfire.’

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-11-2019


"I don't think this place is responding directly to our thoughts, or bending to our will. The thing with the fire seems to be a literal interpretation of my own enjoyment for fire, so this desert is probably a literal interpretation of a facet of my own mind- or Casket's. ...It feels like this place is designed to deliberately keep us apart, but draw us together at the same time."


"A torch might heal our injuries, but it would still be painful to proceed in the first place."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-11-2019

Mince ruffles their feathers a bit. With interest, they ask, 'Is it important enough to get through quickly to risk it? But - if it's a facet of your mind, what happens if we can figure out what it represents? If your state of mind changes, do you think the landscape would? It's not as direct, but.' This kind of puzzle is their favorite.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - allhallowed - 11-11-2019

Indie had been covering their mouth with the lab coat, managing to only get a few drips of fluid on it. She slumps the fire, leaning heavily on Clarice. “It’s not important enough to risk it unless you leave me behind, and honestly I really wanna see this through. There’s gotta be a safe way through that doesn’t involve me getting sand in my fluid. I try not to let my weapon type junk get in the way of adventures but I gotta draw the line here.” It coughs miserably.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-11-2019

"I think the torch idea might work, but only if we combined it with something else. I don't know if it is that easy to change my state of mind on my own, and to my knowledge none of you have an ability that would have such an effect on me. And honestly, I'd be nervous about letting an abstract type use their ability on me in the first place."

Brisk realizes what he just said and turns to Clarice briefly. "...No offense."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-11-2019

Clarice shakes her head. “I mean if I used my ability on you it would almost definitely be unpleasant for you, so I can’t object to that. About traversing the desert though, maybe we should try searching in other directions first? Maybe we’ll find something in the woods that we can use to get through the desert without further damage.” She inspects her tattered t-shirt with mild concern. “I can get a new one, they have tons in the gift shop,” she says, seemingly more for her own benefit than anyone else’s.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-11-2019

'Other than the torch, maybe something to keep Indie protected from the sand? It'd help the rest of us too, but. Would large enough leaves work?'

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-11-2019

“Ooh! We could go and grab a leaf or two while anyone who needs to rest rests up and take it to the desert to test it! If it works then we can always gather more for everyone else.”

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-11-2019

"I'll stay here and tend to the fire. Those of you who need your rest, feel free to stay with me. The fire should be healing your wounds."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-11-2019

Clarice nods and stands up. “Who wants to come with?”

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - allhallowed - 11-11-2019

Indie nods gratefully, then winces at the motion. “Thanks guys, I appreciate it.”

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-11-2019

'I'd like to come. I hope you feel better, Indie.'

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - aeshihowl - 11-11-2019

Flicker hugs himself. "I'd rather wait here, if that's okay. Sand and plant matter don't get along exceedingly well." He rests his chin on his hands, and his elbows on his knees. "I wonder what the storm means. Is it perhaps representative of the distance between you and Casket?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-11-2019

Brisk, Flicker and Indie sit by the fire and wait as Clarice and Mince head into the desert, each with a leaf- one from the folding plants, and the other from the trees above.

Just like before, the storm gets worse the further from the forest they go. How far out will they travel?

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-12-2019

“We probably shouldn’t go too far, just enough to see if the leaves are offering protection from the storm.”

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-12-2019

’Can we make it as far as our first try?’ Mince wraps the leaf from the tree around the joins of their head casing.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-12-2019

“That sounds like a good goal to test.” Clarice also wraps her leaf around herself.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-12-2019

Just like before, the storm quickly becomes unbearable after a few minutes of travel. The leaf from the folding plants only offers meager protection- holes begin to appear in it the further Clarice and Mince go. The leaf from the trees, however, seems much thicker. The pattering of sand against the thicker leaf is still annoying, but nowhere near as painful as trying to travel without it.

(You may choose either to RP what your character is doing during this process, or you can SKIP to when Clarice and Mince return to the group.)

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-12-2019

Clarice discards her folding plant leaf in order to better shield herself with the tree leaf. “Oof okay I guess these work? Let’s head back and see if we can get enough of these for everyone.”

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-12-2019

Mince lets the folding plant fall as well, keeping the tree leaf wrapped securely around them as they start to turn back. 'We should get a few extras, too. Better safe than sorry.'

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-13-2019

Clarice and Mince eventually return with the leaves. By now, everyone sitting by the fire is feeling better.

"So, how'd it go?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-13-2019

“The leaves from the trees seem like they should do the trick. How is everyone here doing?”

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-13-2019

’The tree leaves and the torch for whatever gets through them should be safe.’

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - aeshihowl - 11-14-2019

Flicker nods, clearly not relishing the thought of going out to the desert again. "Better. You should take a break too. Then we'll go."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-14-2019

Clarice sits down by the fire, clearly a bit impatient to get going but not wanting to rush anyone who needs to heal.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-14-2019

Brisk idly puts a branch on the fire before gently fanning it with his hand. "We'll wait as long as you like. I don't want anyone getting hurt by this."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-14-2019

The few smaller bruises from the sand hitting the leaf start to heal over by the fire, and Mince turns their head casing to the group. 'We're okay, but thank you. Another moment wouldn't be bad - it's not too painful with the leaf, don't worry.'

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-19-2019

Brisk pokes at the fire a bit more, glancing around.

"So, um... What brings you all here?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - allhallowed - 11-23-2019

"Well, in your listing it sounded like a pretty exciting adventure! But uh," they cough a little. "I wasn't counting on the sand. I still plan on seeing through, though! We'll definitely find Casket."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 11-24-2019

"Sorry about the sand... I honestly just assumed it would be forest the whole way through."

"...Thank you, though."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 11-30-2019

'I had a difficult time finding my own partner, even with the pocket dimensions. I wouldn't want anyone else to feel lonely because of that - that's why I came along. The desert is nice, I think.'

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 11-30-2019

"If I'm being completely honest, I was just curious what we would find. I want to learn more about these places work and I think the best way to do that is to visit lots of 'em!"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 12-04-2019

Brisk nods at each of the other TCP's answers.

"...I'll start gathering supplies, the fire should last for a while longer by itself. You said it was the leaves from the trees, right?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 12-04-2019

'The larger the better. We should be okay by the fire, don't worry.'  Mince settles their chin onto their hands and watches the flickering light.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - aeshihowl - 01-03-2020

Flicker mumbles, "Ren said I should get out some more. The new cat they brought home is... not great company." He shrugs. "I thought this would be isolated enough to handle. I'll help you get some leaves, Brisk." The flytrap type stands and follows the other cat.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 01-31-2020

(wow it has been way too long since i updated this, sorry!!!!)

Brisk clambers up a tree, using his knife to cut off large leaves at the stem.

"None of us are that big, so it should only take a few per person."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 01-31-2020

"Sounds good!" Clarice grabs an extra leaf, just in case the one she already has gets damaged.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - aeshihowl - 01-31-2020

Flicker catches the leaves as they fall and sets them on the ground until Brisk is finished. He picks up as many as he can hold and heads back to the others, passing them out with utmost care. He wraps himself in his leaves and nuzzles them gently, like one would a fuzzy blanket.

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - seppawku - 02-01-2020

Mince wraps a leaf around themselves with special attention to their head casing, dipping their head quickly in thanks. ’Was that all we needed to prepare? Or is there something we should do before heading into the desert?’

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - allhallowed - 02-03-2020

Indie is feeling much better after some time around the campfire, so she grabs her own leaves and goes to stand by Clarice. “Ready!”

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 02-11-2020

Before long, the group is equipped with a set of leafy robes and wraps for their feet to protect against the wind, and everyone has a torch to carry for the fire's healing aura. Brisk steps forward into the desert once more, then glances back to make sure everyone is following. "Ready?"

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - aeshihowl - 02-11-2020

Flicker, looking doubtful, nods. "As ready as I'll ever be. The sand's already irritating my hairs..."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - cosmo - 02-13-2020

Clarice readies her leaf. "I'm ready."

RE: [IN PROGRESS] Someone Lost - knux400 - 02-24-2020

"Alright. Let's try this again."

The group starts forward into the desert, clutching their leafy robes close. Just like last time, the storm starts relatively tame before gradually getting worse the further you get. The leaves are doing a good job of keeping you protected, though, and the torches you hold soothe any wounds that slip through the cracks.

Eventually you pass the point you had stopped before, and continue into unknown territory. The storm continues getting more intense, and everyone is starting to consider going back for more leaves- but then Brisk speaks up, shouting against the wind.

"I think we've reached the center- the storm's not getting any worse!"

And sure enough, as you press onward, the storm slowly starts to calm again. Eventually, it's back to being a gentle breeze again. You find yourselves standing in front of a large glass temple. Sticking up from the sand a short distance in front of the temple is a metal rod with a circular opening on the tip. Past the metal rod is a very tiny doorway- about a half inch tall. It appears to be the only way into the temple, but it's way too small for anyone to fit through.

The metal rod is about 4 inches tall, roughly at eye level for a smaller-sized TCP. The opening in the middle is empty, and there are 5 sets of prongs around the edges.